After graduating college, It was silently agreed that we took the next. step. We moved into a small apartment in Clear Bay, a couple months ago.

Ally and I both secured good jobs. She became the new exclusive vet for the aquarium she grew up in. The former vet, had retired just after we graduated. I on the other hand, found a job far away from the fish that huge fish bowl, where Wally the walrus from hell resided.

I became the assistant chef at a restaurant in the city. Sure it was an hour commute everyday, but Clear Bay was mine and Ally's home.

Life had panned out well for us....but for months something seemed like it was missing.

"You're late!" Laine growled when I entered the building.

"Patience is virtue, preppy. " I smirked, wrapping my arm around him as I ruffled his blonde hair. He quickly shoved me away and glared at me, irritated.

"I thought that name died in high school." He grumbled, "Does Ally know yet? " he asked.

"That depends, does Brie know? " I raised my eyebrow. Laine scoffed and shook his head.

"Dude no way, if I told her then we're both screwed." He shuddered, "I love her, but since she's been pregnant, Brie has been in a  storm of hormones and hunger. Just yesterday, she cried when we ran out of nutella and strawberries. Then she screamed at me when I bought the generic brand." He explained.

"Tough." I sighed, sympathetically.

"Yeah no kidding." He scoffed, "If she knew I had anything to do with this, then she'd for sure kill me. Our kid would be fatherless and I have no doubt Brie has the skills to make it look like an accident!"he cried out hysterically, garnering the attention of a few customers.

"Calm down Miller, I'll make sure she'll never find out you were involved." I reassured him. "You're even more nervous than I am and it's my plan." I chuckled.

Laine sighed and ran his hands through his unkempt blonde hair. "Sorry, i'm just stressed out because Brie decided she wants a homebirth. It's crazy right? So much could go wrong, and I can't handle it if something happened to her or the baby! I can't handle that man!" He rambled, uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and punched him once in the jaw. His head whipped sideways upon impact.

"Sorry." I said flatly, shaking my head in mild amusement. Laine turned back to me and nodded in understanding.

"Thanks, I needed that." He mumbled sheepishly, rubbing his jaw. He straightened up his clothes then combed his hair with his hands, "Let's pick out Ally's ring." He suggested, gesturing to the gallery filled with jewelry.

This time, it was I who was nervous. I nodded and followed after Laine. Fortunately, he had an eye for jewelry. If it was only up to me, Ally would be sporting a cherry flavoured ring pop. But she deserved better, and I was intent on finding the perfect ring for her.


"Mase, you're tracking mud all over my clean floors!" Ally cried out as soon as I stepped into the apartment. I smiled upon seeing her uptight expression.

She hadn't changed since high school. Ally still played on the safe side of things. She was still quirky and loved to bother me. Her smile was enough to turn a gloomy day, worthwhile. The only real change had to be that her hair was now shorter.

Confessions of a Bad Boy // Slowly EditingWhere stories live. Discover now