five (part two)

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Cassie was a 'funny' girl. In one aspect, she was as tough as nails. If you were horrible to her, she would hit back just as hard and she would rarely sit down and feel sorry for herself. However, she was also that person who cried at the endings of soppy films (much to Luke's horror), videos of animals, and anytime when she felt really, really happy. And so it was of no surprise to anyone that she was crying now, as Mitch and Cam finally got married.

The setting was perfect. Jay had overcome his fear of what his pals at the country club may think of his son's marriage and the atmosphere there was magical.

Cassie sniffled and rested her head on Luke's shoulder as she smiled happily at the scene before her.

Luke looked down at Cassie's light brown hair the best he could and rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Dunphy."

Luke laughed lightly and wrapped an arm around Cassie's soldiers.

"It's just.. So beautiful." Cassie whispered with a watery voice.

"I know." Luke nodded in agreement.

Cassie's parents were sat behind the the two fourteen year olds and exchanged a knowing look between themselves, smiling softly.
Cassie couldn't help but laugh as she looked at herself in the mirror of the country club's rather splendid toilets. She looked a mess. Her hair was bushy and wild with fly aways, her eyes glowing in a manner almost animalistic. Most normal girls would have been ashamed and immediately sought to fix their appearance, but not Cassie. She was in love with looking alive.

The evening was merry, to say the least.

First, had been the dancing. Cassie had danced with everyone, even getting one dance out of a very reluctant Luke, which was an achievement in itself. Her favourite dancing partner though, had to have been Cam, who twirled her and stepped with her like there was no tomorrow.

The second part of the evening was slightly more subdued, and was signalled when the buffet began. The buzz of conversation began to fill the room instead of the gleeful shouts of dancers and the music itself transitioned from loud and shouty to slow and bluesy. During this time Cassie sat with her parents, later joined by Manny, then gradually the rest of their family; together they conversed, shared jokes and laughed until Cassie felt so content that she could cry.

A/N: Firstly, I am so sorry for the wait! I've been so busy and it took a while to get back into the swing of writing this, but I'm so grateful for all of your lovely comments and I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's unedited so I apologise for any mistakes but I wanted you guys to have it asap.
This is the last episode based chapter of season 5! There'll be one more chapter before we move onto the summer which may be a few chapters long (I'm not sure yet) and then we'll be onto season 6!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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