five (part one)

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"Everyone grab something, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Pepper shouted, clapping his hands.

Cassie bit her lip as she stood up to look for something to carry; Mitch and Cam's big day was not going to plan.

The wedding was now being moved due to a forest fire which was spreading through the area, resulting in panic and stress. The majority of guests were all trying to get to the school buses which would take them to their next venue; Mitch and Cam's family members were the main ones who were helping with the move, and that included the Ruiz-May's.

Cassie puffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face, as she picked up a box containing various decorations and made her own way to the school buses.

She caught sight of her mama and papa ahead, also carrying items which Cassandra couldn't make out from behind. As she was walking someone fell into step beside her and bumped her shoulder. Luke.

Cassie turned her head and eyed his empty arms, "I see you're being a great help." She commented drily.

Luke shrugged, "Thought I'd let the peasants do the work."

"For someone who just spent a week in Australia you don't look very tan." Cassie retorted, trying to hit back however she could.

"Sorry, we can't all be half Mexican."

Cassie rolled her eyes and once they reached the school buses the two climbed on and sat next to each other in a comfortable silence.

Having managed to wedge the box between her feet on the floor Cassandra slumped dramatically, resting her head on Luke's shoulder.

"I really hope that the rest of the day goes smoothly for them." She mused.

Luke nodded, "Yeah... They deserve it." Although Luke was not really an emotional being he knew that Cassie was, and so when it suited him, he would make an effort to relate to how she was feeling. It was something which his family noticed, although he never did it for them.

"Hey guys!" Manny greeted them enthusiastically as he sat down in the seat across the aisle from them.

"Hey Manny." Cassie smiled at him; she had always found his good moods infectious.

Soon the bus began to jerkily move across the tarmac, away from the first wedding venue of the day. Little did the guests know how long their day was yet to be...

Unedited. Please vote and comment, it really is an encouragement to keep writing! I've split Mitch and Cam's wedding into two parts because I'm not following the whole episode for it :)

Question: do you mind when I skip chunks of time between chapters? Because everyone has returned from Australia in this one but you don't get to see them actually return? Idk it's just how I prefer to write

Taming Life - Luke DunphyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora