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"I'm going to miss you when you're in Australia." Cassandra whined as she threw herself onto Luke's bed.

The two had just finished watching some old reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air downstairs, one of the duo's favourite programmes; watching it together was 'their thing'.

Luke frowned as he pushed Cassie's legs out of the way so he could sit down, "We'll only be gone for a week."

The whole Dunphy-Tucker-Delgado-Pritchett family was going to Australia for one week so that Phil could reconnect with his late mother; Jay had offered to pay so that Cassie could come along as well, but her mother and father had denied the offer, doubting that they could afford to pay him back despite his insistence that money was not an issue.

Cassie sighed, "I know, but you're only back for like four days and then it's Mitch and Cam's wedding, and then I'm going to Mexico for three weeks."

Once he was reminded of this Luke sighed as well. There was one week left of school before summer break, for nearly half of which Cassie would be in Mexico visiting her family.

"See, you're going away for longer than me and I'm not complaining." Luke usually depended on jokes to thinly veil his true feelings, but luckily Cassie was used to it by now and didn't take offence.

Instead she rolled her eyes, "Well, I'm still going to miss you, okay?"

Luke leant against his wall, "I suppose I'll miss you too, I might be too busy to notice your absence though." He teased lightly.

Cassie scoffed at his words but made no comment, "I'm looking forward to the wedding."

The day that gay marriage was legalised in America was a beautiful day indeed, made even better by the announcement of Mitch and Cam's engagement shortly after. Cassie had always admired Mitch and Cam for their resilience to some of the discrimination that they experienced due to being openly gay, and all of it seemed worth it now that they could legally marry. She was so happy for them and couldn't wait for their big day to finally come around.

Luke hummed noncommittally; although he appreciated that it was a big deal for Mitch and Cam, it hadn't really touched him on such an emotional level as it had Cassie; weddings weren't really his thing anyway.

The sound of Cassie's breathing becoming slower and heavier made him look down, and he smiled impishly as he saw that she had managed to fall asleep in such a small space of time. Luke knew that his best friend worked hard, and as a consequence often wore herself out.

Looking at her as she dribbled ever so slightly on his pillow, he knew that he would miss his best friend more than he would let her know

Bit of a filler, showing Luke and Cassie's friendship. After their summer is when things will start to happen, but we have a few more chapters until that yet!

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