Home Away From Home (New Chapter)

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A/N I know the comments probably don't match this chapter somehow I screwed something up sorry... This is a brand new chapter I added during revision hope you like it :)


I had everything packed into the truck before she started to stir. She had another nightmare last night…I heard her scream “stop.” I was going to wake her but she rolled over and didn’t make another peep.

I think that the trip to the cabin would help her to forget about that night. I know that she would never completely forget what had happened to her but it might help the nightmares.

I heard a thump and ran down the hall to the bedroom. Katie sat at the edge of the bed with a frustrated look.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I lost my balance and knocked that stupid chair over. Luckily I landed on the bed an not the floor,” she complained as she tossed her crutch across the room. It barely missed me and hit the wall.

“Watch it Miss attitude,” I joked.

“It’s not funny I hate being unable to take care of myself. I just want to get dresses without help. But I can’t even make it to my closet without falling,” she cried. I could see tears of frustration well up in her eyes.

I took a seat beside her on the bed and just held her as she cried. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed. I knew there was more to her tears than frustration but I thought it best not to ask.

“So are you ready to go relax in the sun?” She looked up at me with her red eyes and nodded yes. I helped her off the bed and into the bathroom so she could get dressed and cleaned up.

A few minutes later she awkwardly hobbled into the living room. “I’m ready to go now.”

To make things easier I picked her up and carried her to the truck. After she was secured in the truck I went back to the house retrieved her crutches and locked up the door.

The drive out to the cabin was quiet neither of us spoke a work. We pulled into the long drive that led through the woods to the cabin. It wasn’t a large cabin because it was meant for vacation use or for a hunting weekend for my dad and I. Dad doesn’t hunt anymore because of his back. The kick from his shotgun would cause too much pain for him.

I stayed out here for a couple weeks before I got my apartment in town. The first night out here when I came back to town I took a walk out in the woods to our hidden spot.

There was a small clearing out behind the cabin that Katie and I would walk to just to watch the deer graze in the meadow. I had carved our names in the big oak tree where we would sit. Katie complained and said I was hurting the tree. I just laughed at the thought.

We finally pulled up next to the cabin and I could see Katie’s face just light up. I knew how much she loved this place. The lake sat off to the left of the house, there was a stone pathway that led to the pier.

It was just a small wooden pier that was great to fish from. I got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side. I inhaled the sweet scent of the trees and the fresh air…so much better than in town. I opened the door and helped her put. I picked her up bridal style and she giggled then smacked me.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“Because… I told you to stop carrying me around.”

“But it is so much faster than waiting on your slow crippled butt,” I laughed. Her eyes widened and she hit me harder.

I sat her down on the porch swing and she stuck her tongue out at me then crossed her arms to pout.

“You know you can be such a pain in the ass Owen.”

“I know it, but…. That’s what you love about me,” I grinned as I unlocked the door.

Mom must had been out here recently because the place smelled of pine cleaner. She always made sure to come out at least once every few weeks to dust and change the linens. I flipped on the light to see a fully stocked cupboard and a note sat on the counter.


                        Had a feeling you would think of bringing Katie out here to recover so I stocked the kitchen. Tell my dear Katie that we miss seeing her beautiful face. Take care of her son. Also there is a plate of cookies hidden in the oven.

                                                                                    Love Mom

I opened the oven and pulled the plate out then headed back out to Katie. I stopped just before the door and watched her through the front window as she stared out at the lake. The breeze blew gently against her face pushing the few misplaced strands of hair out of her face. She looked so calm and peaceful right now. I knew this was a perfect idea to help her recuperate.

Although… it would be nice if this place was a deserted island with nothing but the two of us. We could lay on the sand all day long as we talked about everything and anything. If only things could be as simple as that. Toes in the sand and a beer in my hand.

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