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I stared into the dark night, feeling my lips burn from the kiss Luke left there. I had the feeling that it had been something else beneath it, it wasn't just a kiss - it was more like a sweet goodbye. I could feel a lump in my heart form as my mind filled with thoughts about Luke leaving forever.

Suddenly various voices were heard and the sound of feet running across the floor in the hallways reached my ears. I snapped my head towards the door and in a second it flew up as Ashton barged in, making me flinch by the sudden movement. 

''Ashton, what is it?!?'' I shouted as he shot his gaze at me and a slight relieved expression crossed his face.

''Thank god you're okay.'' he said, exhaling. ''Something is going down, and we're not really sure what it is.'' 

''Just let me get dressed and I'll come down in a second.'' I said, trying to convince him I could remain calm. 

About a minute later I took my last step down the stair, my eyes gazing across the living room as I noticed everyone was there, except from Luke. 

''What's going on?'' I said and walked further into the room.

''That's the thing Taylor, we have no idea!'' Emma cried out as Michael pulled her closer to him. Calum was sitting next to Ashton and they both looked like their thoughts were somewhere else. 

''Calum got a mail saying we all should gather around and log onto this website in just a few minutes. We thought it was a joke at first, until we saw that the message contained a photo of Luke's car, the driver's seat window totally smashed and the car completely destroyed.'' Ashton said and snapped his head up to look concerned at me with his big green eyes. I couldn't help but to let a small gasp out as I could feel a lump forming in my stomach.

''We've all tried to reach Luke, but he's not picking up.'' Michael said, bumping his knees nervously. 

''Ashley, come her qucikly!'' Calum suddenly said as patted the seat next to him in the sofa as everyones eyes widened. On the table in front of everyone, stood his laptop with a black wepsite, screening big red numbers that was slowly counting down by the seconds. We all held our breaths as the numbers started to count down from 10 seconds. 




I inhaled a sharp breath as Style's face suddenly popped up on the screen. He looked serious but with a slug grin on his face as he was wearing a black suit and tie. The scar he had along the side of his face was glimmering in the light of the camera , making him looking even more horrifying then he already did. 

''Hello lovelies. You should all know by now, that my name is Harry ''The most feared mafia boss ever'' Styles''. he stated in a smooth voice. From what it looked like, he was in some sort of garage made of concrete walls.

''I got very suprised when I got visited by one of the smaller, but greater  Mafia bosses this world has seen in decades. But fortunately, he owed me some.'' he smiled, showing off a big smile. His eyes suddenly became dark and husky snickers erupted from behind the camera. Harry straightened himself up a bit, flickering away a strand of his brown hair that had fallen down across his face. 

''So now, my ladies and gentlemen let me present to you - one of the underworlds biggest fears, Luke Hemmings!'' he said excited and turned the camera around.

There on a simple chair, Luke was sitting, strapped to the chair by his feet's and his arms around it's back. He was breathing heavily, as he had trouble breathing, but still kept his ice-cold face expression. My heart dropped when I saw how severly they had beaten him up. Cuts, blood, bruises and a busted lip was glowing on his face and the parts of his body that was showing. His eyes revealed that he was close to passing out from all the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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