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''Taylor can you pass me the cucumbers?'' Emma mumbled as I walked across the kitchen to the fridge and picked out two green cucumbers. I closed the frigde door and walked over to her as she was making a salad.

''Thank you.'' she mumbled, completely focused on cutting some tomatoes.

A small snicker left my lips as Michael and Blake was sitting, reading each a magazine by the table. They were both kind of unaware of the surroundings as they were completely dived into their magazined of cars and bikes.

I on the other hand was making the main cooking. Emma and I decided to whip together some pasta with tomato sauce. At first, Emma was responsible for cooking the pasta but she was simply impossible in the kitchen. I don't know how she managed to do it, but she actually burnt it. So there was nothing else to do than to throw it away, send her to do the easy task of making the salad, and start all over again.

''Emma, where did you find the pasta?'' I asked and looked over my shoulder at her as she was taking her task on the salad a little bit too serious.

She was bent down to eye level to cut the tomatoes as she slowly and verry slowly slid the not so sharp knife through the small tomato, splitting it in half. As a satisfied grin spread on her cheek, she glanced up at me and pointed towards a cabinet in the corner, next to the fridge. I sprinted towards it and opened it, revealing that it was packed with fresh bread, pasta, cookies, cereal and sweets.

I glanced across the different varities of pasta and decided on regular fresh pasta ribbons and took them out. I walked back to the big pan full of hot water and the other pan next to it which was filled with the sauced that was beginning to smell delicious.

''How's the food going?'' Luke's voice asked with slight lack of patience as he entered the kitchen.

I looked across my shoulder as he tiredly walked insisde, scratching the back of his neck. Blake shot his head up, giving Luke a look of disapproval and disgust, before turning his eyes back to the magazine. Luke gave him a small glare back before his blue eyes met mine for the split of a second. I quickly turned my head back and stared down into the sauce that was boiling.

''It should be done in just a couple of minutes.'' I said and opened the package of pasta and poured it into the pan of boiling water.

''It smells really good.'' Emma exclaimed as she was done cutting the vegetables and beamed happily at the appealing looking salad.

''Thanks, I've done my best.'' I chuckled.

''As I stirred in the boiling pasta, I could see Luke moving towards the fridge, opening it and practically diving into it. I turned my focus to the sauce and tasted and noticed that something was missing. I licked my lips and tapped the spoon against the edge of the pot.

I thought about it for a second before I realized it was basil. I walked up to the cabinet once again and opened it, seeing the little glass bowl filled with fresh basil on the top counter.

A disliking frown appeared on my face. Of course it had to be on the top shelf. Even though a small voice in my head said it was useless to even try, I ignored it and took a grab around the counter edge for support and started reaching for the bowl.

crimson menace >> luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now