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I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh or cry when I saw Calum walking through the door. A small part of me felt scared since the last time I saw him he kidnapped me and brought me to the Italian mafia, but another part of me felt relieved because I recognized his brown eyes. And to be honest, it felt so much better to see Calum than the torturer I'd expected.

The thing about Calum was that I couldn't really put my finger to whether he was good or bad. I mean he was bad like all the other guys dealing with mafia things and stuff, but he had never really hurt me. He had just smuggled me between different people who wanted to deal with me and that made me wonder what the hell he was doing here right now.

I thought he got killed when he became a part of the Peligros, but I guess the rumor that Michael told me about him escaping was true.

He had a gun swaying in his left hand as his eyes swept the room. His eyes focused on me as they expanded a little bit, but he quickly looked away, locking his eyes on Harry with a hard stare.

''Calum Hood, I must say, I'm suprised.'' Harry said, his voice sounding sincere as Calum relaxed his posture slightly and looked at him with an uninterested gaze.

''Can't say I'm neither of my visit.'' he retorted.

''What brings you to this side of the world Hood? I thought you were satisfied with your imperium in Sydney.'' Harry sneered, looking amused as Calum bit his jaw together.

''Harry don't even try to deny that you have been aware of my staying here since the moment I sat my foot in England.'' Calum said, keeping his cool as Harry snickered.

''Well, I see there's no point in denying it, after all, you didn't become the underdog of one of the most feared mafia leaders for no reason.'' he mocked as I could tell Calum was getting impatient.

''I've made my mistakes and I didn't know how good my life was under Luke's commands until I left him for personal reasons. He's a great mafia leader and I know he'd protect me, much more than those chicken asses in the Italian mafia. They left me to die during a shootout in Rome but I managed to hide and escape.'' Calum said, his voice almost trembling until he coughed and continued to keep his face stern.

All this information made me really confused. He left Luke and Michael because of some unknown reasons and joined another mafia, only to be ditched and now he's crawling back on his knees?

''I think they did the right thing to leave you to die, Hood'' Harry said as he stared amused at Calum with a wide grin. ''.. too bad you didn't.''

I almost wanted to throw up at how disgusting this Harry was. Sure, Calum didn't treat people much better but atleast he had some humanity inside himself.

''... but I must ask you Hood, what gives me the pleasure of your company?''' Harry asked and wandered across the room with a pleasured smirk on his face. Calum sent me a quick glance and in that fraction of a second I almost felt a small bit of relief wash through me. Something in his eyes told me to stay calm.

''It was very wrong of you to take the girl Harry.'' Calum said, his voice no longer friendly, it was more threatening. Harry looked up at him and then glimpsed over towards my direction.

''Oh and why is that? Her dad owes me money, I'm therefore allowed to do whatever I want with her.''

His tone was clearly trying to send a message of status. Calum looked him stern in the eyes, completely unaffected. It was something about his hard expression and tone in his voice that almost reminded me of a gentler version of Luke.

''She has nothing to do with her father's business, I bet she didn't have a clue who you even were.'' Calum snickered with a light smirk on his face as he put his hand in his pocket in a very powerful eminence. Harry snapped his head towards Calum and narrowed his eyes together as he realized he'd just been insulted.

''If the girl has nothing to do with her father's business, why are you here to tell me this?'' he asked dryly.

Calum smiled a little, his whole presence oozing of power, respect and that you should be very aware of what you said to him. He pulled out his hand from his pocket and slowly walked up to one of the bookshelves and gazed over them as his face hardened.

''Taylor isn't yours to keep and you did a grave mistake of taking her from Hemmings.'' he said, his voice cold as murder, even sending chills down my spine. I dropped my jaw a little bit at the sudden threatfullness in his voice, the first time I'd heard it this vicious. I glanced over at Harry whose face was tight.

''Even if she isn't, it doesn't make up that I'm still missing my cash.'' he growled as Calum turned and looked at him.

''If she's with Luke then she's my family.'' Calum said sternly as I looked at him with a suprised face. He considered me his family? Even though the situation was tense, I could feel myself getting a little warmer by his words, even though they made me very confused.

Harry looked between Calum and me, as he seemed to think over his options. Calum seemed to press the right buttons. In Englad, family was a highly respected subject and it would be very unlike Harry as an Englishman to neglect that.

''Fine, I'll let her go.. but Hemmings will owe me, and believe me, I don't forget owes.'' he said firmly as he turned around and grabbed me roughly by the arm, making my bruises from where he last grabbed me really hurt. I whimpered in pain as my head started spinning again. Harry pushed me away from himself as I stumbled but got caught in Calum's muscular arms.

''You have my word on it.'' Calum rumbled before he took a hold around my waist and supported me as my head was still spinning.

With stern steps, Calum led me through the door and we entered a long hall. Calum didn't say a word as we passed man after man and corners after corners, each one of them leading into a big room.

My dizzy head was getting a little clearer but I was still feeling a bit lightheaded and I could feel my whole body shaking. I was scared, but I had been in a slight shock before and my fear was now starting to make an impact on my body.

After a good couple of minutes, I could finally see the door. Two men, dressed with the same appearance as all the others in this house, stood by the big wooden doors as they opened them. Calum pulled me firmly through the doors, out to a gravel courtyard where I could see a car that probably belonged to him.

The doors slammed shut behind us and I was holding onto Calum desperately, it felt like if I would let go of him I would drop to the ground because of my wobbly legs. Calum still held the same quick pace as he walked us up to the car and unlocked it. He let go off me a little bit and looked me sharply in the eyes.

''Can you get in by yourself?'' he asked in a hurry as I nodded a little unsure. Calum looked at me hesitantly before I let go of him. With a hand on his car I managed to go around the car and opened the door and slid in on the seat.

Calum was already seated and started the car quickly. While I put on my seatbelt he put in the gear and rushed out from the place. I didn't have a clue where he was taking me or what he wanted but to be honest, I didn't have the energy to even care anymore.

''Are you okay?'' Calum asked stressed as he turned and looked at me. I nodded my head a little shakily and felt my body shivering.

''He's such a fucking idiot.'' Calum growled, clenching his fists so hard around the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white. ''.. and the same goes for me.''

''Calum... what do you want from me?'' I whispered and looked at him with tired eyes. He looked back at me with worried eyes before sighing and shifted the gear as we sped down the roads of London.

''Are you sure you are okay?'' he asked and his eyes wondered over my face and down to my arm where the bruises were now big dark spots.

I gave him a quick nod and he turned his eyes away from me as he started to search for something in his pocket. A few seconds later he pulled up a black cellphone that he qucikly dialed a number on and put it to his ear.

He breathed heavily for a short amount of time until the person he called probably answered.

''Luke tell me where you are, I have something that belongs to you.''


omg this chapter almost gave myself the feels

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