29. Dangerous Woman

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Life is weird.

Honestly.  Well, MY life is weird, I don't know about yours.

I mean, I've gone from poor college fangirl to personal assistant to my celebrity crush to sleeping with that celebrity crush and having more money than I honestly need. Weird.

I've been all over the world, stayed in some of the most luxurious hotel rooms and seen some of the most amazing sights. I've done so many things I never thought I'd do, most of them with (or TO :-p) Scott. It's funny how experiences can change you, how quickly life can alter and mold you into something different without you even noticing.

It's been a few months now since Scott showed up at that hotel room in San Francisco because he couldn't wait one damn day until I was back in LA. (He's an idiot, but he's my idiot and that's why we love him right? My big hearted blonde idiot.) I'm still not 100% used to all of this, I mean, you'd think there wouldn't be THAT much difference in the way we are now and the way we used to be, right?


I honestly didn't think Scott's cute/sweetness level could be turned up any higher but it's currently dialed up to 1000... He's so cuddly and snuggly and he says things that are SO cheesy and mushy that I want to simultaneously vomit and cry from the sweetness. I don't even know what to do with myself. He takes such good care of me that I'm a little lost. Don't give me that look. I know it sounds psychotic to say that someone taking care of me is bad but hear me out.

I mean ... I'M supposed to take care of HIM... it's LITERALLY my job. He doesn't realize how difficult it makes things when he just wants to cater to me. Well... I mean, I won't complain about the massages or breakfast/lunch/dinners in bed, but when we're not in LA and I'm not being pampered by Mr. Generous, I'm supposed to do my job. Well, apparently he doesn't know how to turn off boyfriend mode. I love it, don't get me wrong, but I don't want him getting burnt out because he thinks he has to treat me like a queen 24/7 plus meet fans and put on a smile and be social and then sing for hours and... well, you get what I'm saying.

He's done three shows in four days and this morning I STILL woke up to find he'd already ordered breakfast AND somehow managed to have flowers delivered to me.

Like, really? FÜCKING FLOWERS! How much romance can a girl take before melting?  I don't know that I'm worthy of all of that.  No, I KNOW I'm not .

So no. Mama is not having it. I love the attention and I'm obsessed with the stupid, proud smile that crinkles his eyes when he knows he did good, but I love him (shut up) and it's time for him to relax and let me take care of HIM like I'm supposed to.

I know arguing with him will be pointless, (boy is almost as stubborn as me) so we'll just have to render him speechless so he HAS to listen won't we. I have an idea but I'm not really sure about it. I mean, I haven't done this in awhile, but I'm hoping it'll have the effect I'm going for.

It's going to take some help, though. The things I do for him...


Jeezus all the wiggling I just had to do better be fücking worth it. I mean how the hell is he going to get me out of these things. We will cross that impossible bridge when we get to it, Hunny.

I toss my head a bit to get my hair out of my face as I step out to see 3 mouths drop open and a lot of wide eyes.

Fantastic. I'm making a fool of myself already. "That bad?"

"Mitch... just...! I mean, just look at yourself." Kirstie aggressively points to a mirror and I'm a little concerned that her eyes are going to pop out of her head.

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