21. Fuzzy

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This birthday, I swear...

So I wake up this morning to find myself in Scott's bed but no Scott.

Easy, Tiger. Let's rewind to last night shall we? Just an eensy amount. He told me I could pick 2 songs to listen to from his CD last night but the rest had to wait. (Cruel and unusual punishment, am I right?!) So we had a little listening party and cuddled and then went to sleep. See? Innocent :)

(my dreams, not so much... but that's irrelevant.)

So back to the present. I want to go back to sleep, but my nose has picked up on the amazing scent of food which is pretty much the only incentive fueling my limbs to move and my feet to hit the floor. I'm just about to zombie walk my way out to the living room but I'm stopped by a big (crudely made, yet effective) sign on the door that says

please ☺︎

I'm still half asleep and the food smells enticing, but while I really want to go see what he's up to, I know it would just be a disaster if I don't listen to instructions. So I just shrug and climb back into his bed... and lay on the pillow that smells like him.. (why not? Opportunity is opportunity )

Imagine waking up in his bed every day, watching while he sleeps, seeing that lazy smile as he first wakes up. *sigh* the dream.

I'm close to drifting off again when the bedroom door suddenly opens and of course it's Scott.

"Rise and shine, old man."

I raise an eyebrow and shift to sit up. "Funny. Just remember you're older than me." I stretch my arms over my head and release a yawn. It takes a second to register that Scott is carrying a tray of food which he places on my lap with a smile.

It's the most domestic thing and I could not be more melty if I tried. At this moment I am Olaf on a beach in Malibu. Hell, even the wicked witch of the west ain't got nothing on the puddle I am right now.

"This looks amazing but you know I will never be able to eat all of this."

"Of course I know... which is why I'm going to help you!" He disappears and then reappears with his own drink and silverware and climbs up to sit next to me facing the tray.

He turns on the tv for some background noise and we stuff our faces and chat a little (while I stare like a fangirl under the pretense of listening. It's an art I've perfected over the years.)

I let myself fantasize a little... I mean, my time's almost up, honey. This greedy bitch is taking everything she can.

So anyway, I just let myself imagine that he's my boyfriend... and this is our bed..and this is how we normally spend Sunday mornings, just being lazy and enjoying one another's company.

I don't let it get too far, but it's nice while it lasts.

After breakfast he tells me to get dressed... and while i'd rather be getting UNdressed with him, I do as requested. He takes longer than me to get ready this time and while I wait for him I skype my parents and talk for awhile.

The conversation is about to head south when mom brings up my career change but that's when Scott appears, and he practically takes over the chat. My parents ADORE him. They think of him like another son (he calls my mom Mama Grassi. Seriously.) Sometimes I think they love him more than me, but it's understandable :) .

My heart sinks a little when my mom tries to get Scott to convince me that I'm making a horrible mistake, and then it plummets when he defends my decision and manages to convince her that it's the right one.

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