"Sorry Lava. I can't wait to tell the others you're okay!" She shouted. I sighed, shaking my head as she continued dragging me down the hallway, but at a slower pace. We soon arrived in the main room and walked over to the human area. We walked over to the couch and TV were Jack and Raf were playing that old racing game. 

"Hey guys," I said with a wave once we got close. They both jumped and looked up at me surprised. 

"Lava!" Raf yelled. He jumped up and ran over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'm so glad you're okay." He said. I chuckled and got down on a knee so I was closer to his height. I put my hands on his shoulders.

"Don't worry Raf. I'm not going anywhere." I said before wrapping him in a hug. I then separated myself from him and stood up. "I'm afraid you're all stuck with me." I then then looked at Jack. "Well, Jackson Darby, I hope you haven't been getting into too much trouble while I was out." I said at him, putting my hands on my hips and raising a brow at him.

"Not much. I've mostly been trying to keep Miko out of trouble" While he was talking, he rubbed the back of his neck in that nervous habit of his. 

"Hey!" Miko yelled Jack punching him in the arm not so lightly. "I don't get into that much trouble... most of the time." She said as she crossed her arms. "Besides, I can't help if it's boring around here sometimes." I laughed at their little exchange and started walking over to the couch. 

"Come on you two let's find something that we can do, while getting along." I walked over to the coffee table and grabbed one of the video game controllers. "Come on who wants to challenge the champ?" I asked. 

"You are so on!" Miko yelled excitedly as she ran over and took the other controller. Miko sat on the couch, while I sat on the ground, so Jack and Raf could have the couch. "Dude. Why are you down there?" Miko asked me. 

"I was going to let Jack and Raf sit on the couch with you, since I am perfectly fine on the floor." I explained. I then turned my attention to the TV and got to the starting screen. "You better pay attention Miko, otherwise you might get left behind." I taunted as I pressed play and we were off.

We played the same racing game for I don't even know how long. I have beaten Jack more times than I could count, Miko about 15 times and Raf 8 times. I am on my 9th race with Raf now it is very close we were on the last lap pulling up close. 

"Lava" Sire calls snapping me out of my focused state. Soooo I lost. 

"Darn it!" I shouted. I then passed my remote to Miko. "Yes Sire?" I asked as I stood up and walked over to by the computer where him and Optimus were standing. 

"I need you to tell Optimus what you told me about your... experience, while you were unconscious." I nodded and climbed onto Sire's hand when he offered it to me. He then held me up to his shoulder, which I climbed onto also. 

"Well it started right after I fell unconscious on our way back to base..." I continued to repeat my story to Optimus, while Sire worked on the computer, whether he was working or typing down what I was saying I don't know. I really hope he wasn't doing the latter. 

I eventually finished my story and Optimus looked like he was deep in thought.

"I remember hearing this prophecy soon after I had become a Prime. Alpha Trion had warned me about the fall of our planet, but I was too naive to see it coming, but that has already happened." He stopped for a moment his faceplate void of any sign of what he was thinking. "I will need to think on this a bit more to think of what evil this might refer to. Also as to whom this small hero is." With that he turned around and started walking back to his berth room.

"Wait, Optimus?" I called out after him.

"Yes, Lava?" He stopped and turned to look at me. 

"Is it possible that the small hero could be some human?" I asked, wondering how a human could help.

"That is possible Lava, but I pray to Primus that that not be the case." He said. He then turned back around, and walked back to his berth room. 

'Hmmm I wonder why Mom would warn me about this, then train me? Wait! Am I the small Hero!?'

AN: OK I own EVERYONE a HUGE sorry so. SORRY!!! I am so so sorry I have been slacking off. Also Wheeljack will come back in soon I promise not next chapter, but most likely the one after that.

NOW let's see Congratulations to Wiredhawkes for not only guessing the song, but also giving the next stanza!!! YAY!!! Anyway here is the next song. Bueno Suerte

And as we lie beneath the stars

We realize how small we are

If they could love like you and me

Imagine what the world could be

If everyone cared and nobody cried

If everyone loved and nobody lied

If everyone shared and swallowed their pride

Then we'd see the day when nobody died

When nobody died...

If everyone cared and nobody cried

If everyone loved and nobody lied

If everyone shared and swallowed their pride

Then we'd see the day when nobody died

We'd see the day, we'd see the day

When nobody died

We'd see the day, we'd see the day

When nobody died

We'd see the day when nobody died  

Till All Are One


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