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Twenty two minutes into class and the door flings open. Everyone but Mr. Licstream seems to notice. He looks up and smiles brightly.

"Class, Miss Cherry has moved here from Rhode Island recently. So, let's warmly welcome her to our school." He scans the class, his face sifting features for the first time.

"It's Madeline." She narrows her eyes at Mr. Licstream while he isn't looking. It isn't until he looks back at her than she smiles. "So, um, yeah. I moved from a state that is smaller than Los Angeles.."

A minute passes from when she walked in and I squint at her.

"I like contrast. I like boots. I like people."

People start whispering.

"I hate rumors." She scans the class more subtly than Mr. Licstream. Another minute passes and her near black eyes lock on me.

"Have a seat, Miss Ch- I mean Madeline." Mr. Licstream smiles. Her white combat boots are loud against the cheap, plastic, tiles. She turns her gaze to the empty seat next to me. Her smile is barely visible but as soon as she slides into the seat next to me, it disappears.

"So, Rhode Island?" I ask, stifling a laugh.

"Do you wanna kiss me or something?" She asks, squinting her eyes at me.

"Uh, no. No, no, no." I shake my head, pale blonde hair going everywhere.

"What's with the staring then?" She smiles.

"You're not like other girls." I chuckle.

"Kid, I'm exactly like other girls." She tosses her hair behind her and pulls out a pale blue binder.

"I meant that as a compliment." I smile.

"I like contrast, not repeated pick up lines." She looks back at me. Her sickly pale skin should make her look small, pushable, weak. Instead, it's her dark, dark, brown eyes that make you quiver if she's mad. "Now, if you're gonna be my friend, you're gonna help me get into whatever parties there are at this sunny, sunny school."

"Who says I know when parties are?" I ask, but who am I kidding? I'm the one throwing half the parties. "More importantly, who says I wanna be your friend?"

"To answer your first question, you have the pretty boy look. Sun kissed skin, bright, blue eyes, fluffy, blonde hair." She looks me over. "To answer your second question, everyone wants to be friends with the new girl. Every one wants to suck her into their friend group to ruin her in a different way from the other groups. It's basic knowledge."

"What if I'm not like every one?" I ask, trying to see if I could figure her out. I doubt anyone can though. She's like the universe, her mind vast and unexplored.

"You are because, one, you used a horrible compliment and two, you just said that. I mean, 'not like every one'? That's just stating that you aren't original." Madeline laughs.

"You don't even know my name." I retort.

"Then tell me, you already know mine." She snaps back.

"Evan Menca." I blurt out.

"Nice to meet you, Evan Menca." She genuinely smiles and holds out her hand.

I look down at her hand and back up at her face. I slowly shake her hand. She glances at our hands and back up at me, letting go. "Why-"

"Am I being nice?" She finishes my question.

"You were, like, mean." I shake my head. "You changed in two seconds. Are you bipolar?"

the aftermath of madeline cherryWhere stories live. Discover now