From that point on, I lost track of time.  I  forgot about the fact that these these people might attack me at any point. All my concentration and uneasy feelings faded away as the game continued on.  A girl in a maid's uniform came in with food and beverages.  I hadn't realized I was hungry until the smell of delicious, buttery popcorn filled the room. I grabbed a handful like the rest of the guys were doing while never taking their eyes off the game.  The game paused as I was about to coming upon Bobby for the final showdown.


"I need a bathroom break," Josh said, standing up stretching, as I finally peeled away my eyes from the screen, blinking.  I suddenly realized I was exhausted.


"Yeah, I need to call my wife.  She's probably waiting up."  Bobby was saying, pulling out his phone and walking out of the room.  I was alone with Luke.


I felt awkward being alone with him, after his telling me he was a vampire.   No matter how skeptical I was that this was all some big prank.  I glanced over to see him leaning against the back of the coach with his eyes closed.  I noticed it was still dark outside.  He looked tired, and then it occurred to me that vampires slept during the day, but I shrugged it off.  I couldn’t have cared less about his vampiric sleeping habits.  Looking around the room, I saw the clock:  It said 2:13 am.


"Its pretty late, do you still want me to take you home?”  Luke asked, seemingly playing on his phone.


"My parents would be furious if I came home at this hour without an explanation.  Telling them I was playing video games with a bunch of vampires would pretty much get me sent to the nut house."  I was resigned.


"You're welcome to stay Max.  We have plenty of empty rooms on the top floor where my parents and I live." he stated simply.  Josh came back in and sat down.

"Lets finish playing before I make my decision" I said, as bobby came back into the room


"So, apparently Mickey and Susan are having a girl's night out.  They have come ot the decision we  should have a party for Max's arrival" Bobby was saying, as he flung himself on the coach.


"Who is Mickey and Susan?" I blurted out, feeling embarrassed and pretty dumb for asking.


"Well Mickey is my mate and wife.  Susan is Josh's mate and wife.  You will meet them soon enough.”  Bobby picked the controller up.


"Why do I need to meet your wives?"  I asked, confused that they were married.  They looked the same age as me, and I considered myself definitely too young to be married!


"See Max, Bobby is my personal guard and he also advises me with military/strategic forces. Josh works with me on finances and economics"  Luke said sitting up, grabbing his controller.  I did the same as the game was un-paused.


"Oh, I thought they were your friends?" I blurted out/


"They are. Max.  I only offered them their position in my regime after we had been friends for years" Luke started pressing the button furiously on his controller.

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