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When they came back down from their orgasm they stayed in their position for a while just content in each other's presence, loving the feel of being wrapped around someone they understood and who understood them.

However, Loki felt uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. He'd never really had a connection with someone during sex before. All the woman he had slept with were just objects to satisfy him, to distract him. He had though that Xena was just going to be another one of those many women. But, when their eyes locked after Xena told him to look at her and when they kissed something felt different. It made him uncomfortable because he had never felt anything like it before. Xena already made him feel not so alone because she understood him and everything he had done.

Just holding each other though, after sex was something he'd never done before either, and holding Xena was comfortable, almost natural. He didn't know what to think though because he'd never done anything like this.

Loki kissed her almost sweetly and gently help lift her off him. He noticed Xena's knees wobbled weakly and her body tremble slightly from the orgasm. She dress slowly, knowing that he was watching her every move. He loved how her hips swelled as she bent down and grabbed her pants and shimmied them over her thighs. He sat transfixed as he watched her. Everything about her body turned him on because he thought her body was perfect, beautiful. Her body fit against his perfectly and his hands moved across her curves and dips like he's done it a million times.

When she turned to look at him he had tucked himself away and ran his fingers through his hair pushing it back.

"How come I was the only one naked?" She asked.

Loki pushed himself off the couch and walked toward her, "Don't worry, there will be a time where you'll be the one fucking me fully clothed and I'll be naked."

"I like the sound of that," she said and smiled up at him as he took her chin in his hand and kissed her.

When they go to leave the room, Loki unlocked the door and went out first. He looked down the hall in both directions and when he didn't see anyone he opened the door again and Xena walked out.

Her hair was now slicked back into a ponytail again, but her face is still flushed and her lips are slightly swollen.

"Come to my room tonight," Loki says, it's more of a command than a request.

"I'll think about it," Xena smiles wickedly and his eyes narrow at her.  "Should we go back to training?"

"No, let's go eat, I'm starving," he answers and as they turn to go to the dinning hall he lightly smacked her on the butt, getting a small yelp of surprise from her. "Come to my room tonight," he say, in her ear, again this time more forcefully and squeezing her butt in his hand hard.

She looks at him out of the corner of her eye but doesn't say anything. However, her smile said all that he wanted to hear.

Twenty minutes later as Loki and Xena were sitting at the dinning table, three chairs away from each other, the rest of the group walked in. Lady Sif and Volstagg were laughing about something and Thor had a small smile on his lips.

Loki glanced at Xena out of the corner of his eye and saw that her right hand was fisted around her drinking glass and her other hand plucked a grape of her plate and put it in her mouth. Her whole body was tense and he knew it was because of Thor. Anyone could tell that Xena and Thor disliked each other. He couldn't help but wonder if people could tell what Xena and him have been doing. If so, wouldn't someone have said something by now? People probably though she hated him as much as she hated all Asguardians.

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