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Authors Notes: Chapter is really short. They eventually start to get longer though. Hope you guys enjoy:)

"Thor," Loki says and grips his brothers wrist, "do you hear that?"

"What?" Thor asked annoyed.

"Come on," Loki says letting Thor's wrist go and walking back toward the throne room. Just as the brothers reach the doors to the throne room they burst open. Two guards drag a girl in torn, dirty clothes with tears streaming down her face from the room.

"You will pay for this!" She yells, her eyes staying trained on something the brothers cannot see. When she disappears from view, Loki, consumed with curiosity peers into the room and sees a guard lifting a lifeless body from the floor.

"What should I do with the body, Sir," the guard asks.

"I don't care, just get it out of my sight," Odin exhales loudly and collapses into the throne.

"Loki," Thor whispers, " do you think father killed that boy?"

"Assuming that the girl was shouting at father, then yes he did."

The King and the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now