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Every time Xena went done to the dungeon to try and talk to her aunt she couldn't get one word in because all her aunt would do was scream and curse at her. One day she broke down and cried. Finally one day Xena just didn't go down.

About a month had past since she brought her aunt here and about three weeks since she went to down to talk to her.

When Xena woke up this morning she planed on going down and making her aunt listen to her.

She dresses in simple clothes; soft pants and a tunic and her boots. Walking out of her now unguarded room she made her way down to the dungeons. Going down the stairs To where the cells were, a few guards acknowledged her by giving a slight head nod but mostly they ignored her.

She made her way over to the glass cell that homed her aunt. Deja sat on the floor against the wall drinking a cup of water. Her hair was tangled and her clothes wrinkled.

"Not going to scream at me this time?" Xena ask sarcastically when her aunt meet her eyes. Deja stayed quiet. "You need to understand that I'm fighting with them because I know they are a better ally than an enemy." She said slowly.

"Even after all they've done to you?" Deja responded then turned her head away and inspected her cell, "I don't understand how you lived in this for the past 300 years."

"It was better living in that than living at home," Xena answered

"What do you mean," Deja asked looking back at her confused.

"Haven't you ever wondered why Jarl and I came to Asguard?"

"I wondered that every day since I found out he was murdered."

"It was because of our father," Xena said. Every time she had to tell someone this story her throat constricted and her heat pounded in her chest. "Jarl didnt know that father was," she broke off barely able to say the words, "that father was beating me."

"What?" Deja exclaimed angrily.

"He found out the day of our seventeenth birthday. Father he was so distraught over mother, and he had so much to drink. I tried hiding from him but he found me, and... And he beat me within and inch of my life.

"Jarl found me, almost dead, and he healed me. Twins have that power, to heal one another. We found out that day. When I was fully recovered, Jarl, he called upon Heimdall and he opened the Bifrost for us. We were coming to beg Odin to help." Xena's eyes were watering thinking about that time so long ago. She watched her aunt, waiting for her reaction.

"You're lying," she breathed.

"Why would I lie about that?"

"So you started a war with Odin?"

"I tried. You have to understand, I was wrought with anger and hatred and sadness that I started a war that I could not win. I wish Odin dead, not the Asguardian people. But, when I attacked I was captured and I can only assume that my fighters went back and said that I was dead because they believed I had died." Xena answered. Her throat was now almost completely swollen shut and could barely whisper her words.

"I thought you were dead, Xena." Deja stood up and came to the glass resting a hand on it. A tear spilled over her cheek. "I mourned greatly for you and you brother. Then when I found out you were alive and fighting with the Asguardians, I was so angry. I felt betrayed. I was the one to rally the people. I wanted the Asguardians to pay and I wanted the people to want the same thing. "

"Thor, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, and," she breathed before saying his name, "Loki, they're not like Odin. They don't want to fight this war."

Deja tilted her head, studying her when she said Loki's name. "Do you love him?" She asked curiously.

"Whom?" Xena asked perplexed.

"The King. Loki."

"What? No." She almost laughed. No, she didn't love Loki. She didn't know what love really was anyway. No, all she wanted to do was fuck him.

Deja lips quirked up at the corners, "I mean, why would you after all the terrible things he's done."

Xena bristled slightly, almost angry. "He's done thing no worse than I have."

"You say you don't love him, but the way you defend him say something different entirely." Deja put her hands on her hips and her face said that she wasn't buying what Xena said.

"I'm not defending him. You could say I'm defending myself because the things I have done could counteract with the things he's done."

"Okay," Deja said unconvinced. "So what do we do now?"

"About the war?"


"Well, let me talk with Loki and Thor because I have an idea and I wanted them to agree with me." She turned to leave her aunt.

"You're just going to leave me here?" Deja yelled after her.

"You agree you want to help?" Deja nodded, "Well I still don't trust you, so until tomorrow." With that, she left Deja yelling her name behind her.

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