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Upon entering the throne room the guards broke their formation. The two leading the siblings went and stood on the opposite end of the steps that lead up to the throne Odin sat on and the two guards the were following them stayed at the door entrance.

Odin was a big man with straggly hair and bead. He looked angry, but that could have been because he just got done talking to Thor. The thing that made him look the angriest though was the eye patch that covered his right eye.

Odin raised his left hand and beckoned the siblings forward.

Xena and Jarl approached cautiously and stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"What is your business here?" Odin's voice boomed throughout the throne room.

Xena shrunk back and positioned herself behind her brother.

Jarl didn't flinch at Odin's threatening voice but stood up straighter and slightly bowed respectfully before saying, "We've come to ask of your help."

"Why do two peasants need my help?" Odin spit the words.

Jarl's jaw tensed at the word peasants and his hands closed into fists. "We come from a small world residing on the outskirts of Alfheim,"

"I know where you're from!" Odin shouts, "I will ask this again: Why do you need my help?"

"It's the king, Sir," Xena said stepping out from behind her brother. "He- he's very cruel and relishes in the pain of his people. Our planet deserves a better king,"

Odin turned his eye upon Xena, "And how exactly am I supposed to help how?"

"I... I," she stammers.

"We need help taking him down and putting someone else on the throne who is better suited for it," Jarl continued for his sister.

"That's your problem not mine. I have absolutely no wish to deal with your problems. Tell them to the Light Elves, you're part of their realm." Odin glances to the guards at his feet and at his command they start toward the siblings to escort them out.

Jarl struggles against his guard, "Please," he begs and breaks free from the guards grip and starts to climb the steps to Odin. "We've already asked the Light Elves and they won't help us either. You're our only hope!"

"I don't give a damn about your kind!" Odin stands up quickly and shouts. He points his staff, which is gripped in his right hand, at Jarl. "Leave, boy, and don't come back."

"You're and old man and a fool!" Jarl yells.

Odin trust his staff forward and a light shoots out from his and strikes Jarl in the chest. Jarl gasp and then tumbles down the stairs.

"Jarl!" Xena cries. She runs from her guards grip and falls to her knees by her brother. She pulls him into her arms and stares into his empty, blank eyes, tears streaming down her face.

"Get her out of my sight," Odin says quietly.

Two guards grip her arms and yank her away from her brother. She struggles against them but it futile. "You will pay for this!" She screams at Odin just as the guards drag her from the throne room.

The King and the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now