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Authors Note: hope everyone is enjoying this so far. I know I'm not the best of writers, compared to other authors in Wattpad, but I enjoy writing so that's all that matters.
Sorry the chapters are so short. I finished this fanfiction months ago and I never realized the shortness of the chapters. Anyhow, I know the picture above is of an Earth like city but this is kind of how I pictured Xena's home to look like.
I retread each chapter a boat load of times before I publish them so I just want to apologize for any errors that you may find. I might not catch them all :)

Xena was fastening the armor around her chest when the door opened. Loki saunter in and stood behind her. She gazed at him in the mirror as she finished tightening the armor around her chest. He towered over her. Her head came to his shoulders.

Her hair drip water on the floor and she reached up and tied it into a pony tail, never taking her eyes off Loki. He stared back, hiding his emotions and thoughts well. Xena couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind.

"Here," he said holding out a dagger in his hand.

She turned and started at the weapon for a few second and then up into his eyes. "Why are you giving this to me?"

"I heard what you said. If they capture you you will be killed. You need something to defend yourself with."

"Thanks," she took the dagger and stuffed it in her boot.

"Let's go," Thor demanded at the door.

Both Loki and Xena followed Thor. They crept through the halls avoiding guards and other Asgardians. They made it to the Bifrost with out being seen remarkably. No one was around. The halls and the city sounding the palace were deadly quiet, making a chill run down Xena's spine.

"You do realize you are committing treason escorting this prisoner to Alfheim." Heimdall said.

"Yes," Thor answered stoping in front of the guardian.

Heimdall smirked slightly and then turned and walked to the middle of the Bifrost and thrust his sword into it. The Bifrost started spinning and the rainbow light appeared. Xena had sense of déjà vu before they were sucking into the light and were flying through space and the stars.

They landed on Xena's home plant.

"I don't understand how a world in Alfheim could turn out like this." Thor said. It was true most of the inhabitants of Alfheim were peaceful people.

Xena stared at the city in the horizon. Smoke billowed from towers and the city was ablaze with light, most likely from the fire that caused the smoke.

The heavens were turning with the colors of night and looking up you can see Alfheim, home of the Light Elves, in the sky. Stars twinkled in the night and everything seem almost peaceful.

"Looks about a couple hours walk from here." Thor said staring at the city.

"More like a days walk," Xena corrected. The brothers turned and looked at her. "This is farther out than I have ever been."

"What do you mean," Loki asks.

"I mean my people doesn't venture fall from the city because these lands at dangerous."

"Well we better get walking then," Thor added and started toward the city.

A few hours later the sun was just starting to rise. The sky way tinted with pinks, oranges, and reds. The ground beneath their feet was cracked from the heat. Xena could already tell that when the sun came up all the way the temperature was going to be extremely hot.

"Why did you come to Asgard back then," Loki inquired breaking Xena from her thoughts of the heat that would probably roast them.

Thor glanced back at Xena, curious too.

She glanced at Loki and then said, "My father," she didn't want to elaborate but both of the men were looking at her waiting for to to keep explaining. "He... He almost killed me."

"What," Loki asked surprised.

"My father was abusive. He was drunk, sad and angry, and he took it out on me." She said looking at the ground beneath her feet.

"Your mother didn't try to stop him?" Thor asked.

"My mother died giving birth to my brother and me." She hesitates a few seconds and then continues, "Well my brother was born first and then she died as she was giving birth to me. Ever since my mother died he has always taken his angry out on me and the people in the city. My people were dying because he kept killing them because of ridiculous crimes. My brother decided that we need a new king, and he was right of course, but he wanted me to go with them to explain, and to show that scars of what our father did to me. So when I healed we disguised ourselves as slaves and asked Heimdall to open the Bifrost." She was rambling, but as soon as she started recalling that time the words wouldn't stop flowing.

Loki and Thor didn't know how to respond to her story so they stayed quiet and just kept walking.

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