Help Me! (Sam/Male!Child!Reader)

Start from the beginning

You had the door knob in your grasp as the vampires pulled you back. Unfortunately for them, you weren't going down without a fight. Clawing and kicking, you fought your attackers, who hissed at your feeble attempts of escape.

"DEAN! SAM! HELP ME!" You screamed, the vampire dragging you into the darkness.

Dean's phone began to ring as he closed the truck. Pulling out his phone, he recognized the number, answering the call before placing it up to his ear.

"Hey, Bobby. What's wrong?" He said, earning a look from Sam.

"Is (y/n) with you?" Bobby answered, making Dean glance at Sam.

"No. Why? Is he gone?" Dean answered, Sam looking clueless.

"Ya, I can't find him." Bobby growled, banging his fist on the table.

"Wait, Dean?" Sam said, hearing a scream from the house.

"Bobby, we gotta go." Dean hurried, hanging up on him.

"Did you see that?" Sam asked, gesturing to the door.


Without hesitation, the two took off to the house, breaking down the door and darting inside. Sam picked up your backpack from the ground, the contents strewn across the tile floor. He slung it across his shoulder, following Dean deeper into the darkened rooms.

Pain flowed up from your forearm as crimson blood flowed from the wound. Your vision went white when they tossed you like discarded trash across the wooden floor. Your ulna protruded from you skin, fire coursing from the area to your skull as you struggled to escape from the blood suckers.

"If any attempts are made to escape, kill 'em all." The man hissed, blue blood- shot eyes peering at his comrades.

The red- head you had tried to decapitate loomed over your shrinking form, spitting onto your face. She yanked your broken arm, making the shoulder pop out of its socket.

"You whore!" You yelped as she proceed to clasp your wrists in shackles high above your head.

She took your hurt arm, which had begun to go numb, licking the blood trailing down your (s/c) arm. Flashing her deadly teeth, she dug her slender fingers into your flesh, a string of curses following you as you failed to scramble away from her. She licked the phalanges clean before sinking her fangs into your neck.

The door busted down, Dean attacking the first Vampire he saw, while Sam went straight for the one attached to you. The vampire glared at the man, detaching from your bloody skin in order to hiss at the intruder. With a clean swoop, the girl's head was rolling on the floor, the body following it immediately after.

Dean quickly killed the remaining vampires, even the ones chained alongside you as Sam broke the chains holding you up. As soon as the cuffs were free, you fell to your knees, Sam catching your weakened body before it hit the bloodied floor.

"We need to go." Sam's gruff voice called, taking off toward the Impala.

Crawling into the backseat, Sam held you tightly as Dean threw himself into the car, taking off toward the nearest hospital. Lazily, you opened your eyes, the faint outline of Sam clouding your vision.

"Hey, (y/n), stay with me okay?" He called, his voice echoing in your ears.

Glassy- eyed you stare at him, trying to understand his words.

"I'm not gonna loose you yet, (y/n), just keep those (e/c) eyes open." He pleaded, pressing his hand over your neck. "Dean!"

"I'm hurrying Sam!" Dean bellows, slamming the gas to the floorboard.

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