Be With You

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Hey hey hey! I'm back again with the final (and I MEAN final) part of Chopper Cam and sequel to First Last Kiss. Ezra and Sabine finally (FINALLY) determine their relationship. I don't know how and if this will ever go down in the show, so here's my take on it - the show's will definitely be better, of course. And just remember that this is set sometime in the far, far future when they're both nearly adults.
So Ezra is in the medbay, having been badly scratched up, and when he opens his eyes Sabine is there - and they have some stuff to discuss! Sh*t is getting real!
Hope you enjoy this, please pretty please read, rate and revieeeeewwwww! Man it's been ages since I've used that. Let's get down to business! (TO DEFEAT THE HUNS I'm sorry I will not torture you with my mulan rendition that will come later) let's goooooo:

Sabine wasn't sure how badly she felt after Ezra was sent to the medbay, having come back with scabs and bruises from taking a big hit for Kanan. Kanan, blind Kanan, who sensed the ship coming from behind until yet again Ezra saved the day, without his lightsaber for once, from an oncoming Imperial scout who had caused the Phantom to almost the ground, and Ezra with it. However, as the door opened and Kanan was falling out, he had Force pushed him back inside and Chopper had taken the reigns, before Ezra had hit the ground from ten feet high. Not the worst, in terms of his usual falls - he had cushioned himself with the Force, but he wasn't so skilled on that front yet.

Now she sat on Ezra's bed - he hadn't suffered too badly, unlike Hera had back in the day, and with no permanent damage, thankfully. He just needed a lot of rest.

Sabine held her head in her hands and let out a choked sound. Stupid, crazy boy with his stupid crazy promises! And the feel of her fingers in his hair, his lips on hers, his arms tangled with hers - agh, she needed to stop! Her feelings were getting out of control now. There was no point brewing over it - she just needed him to wake up. If he did wake up. But, oh, how she wanted to tangle her arms in his again, and kiss him till the universe ended and beyond...
And how she wanted for him to flirt and light up her day once again.

She stroked his forehead, the small little scrapes and cuts marring his face, his cuter than cute, sleeping face; who's muscles were now twitching and eyes were now blinking themselves open and- oh, kriff, he's awake!

Ezra blinked, coughed, and then smiled adorably as he saw Sabine leaning over him, and said throatily, "You gonna come here and kiss me better or what?"
She gasped, omitted a little shriek of, "Ezra!" and pulled him into a fierce hug, tears in her eyes. He patted her back and squeaked, "I'm okay - it's - ow, it's alright, I'm here now. I'm back."

She pulled away and breathed, "You're okay! You came back!" And then she punched him, a little softer than before but it was a punch nonetheless. "What were you thinking! You moron. Taking a dive from ten feet! Sacrificing yourself and -"

He butted in, "And looking good doing it, thank you very much, as the hero of the hour. I'll be here any day, all week, just not today because as you can see I'm clearly - "

She stopped him with a kiss. He made a loud, surprised and very satisfied sound before kissing her back eagerly, all the pain slipping away until there was only her and nothing else. She lifted off, and he looked dazed, drunk with happiness and weariness.
She felt surprisingly satisfied. "That's a good way to shut you up."
He made a strangled gulp.
"Did I ever mention how much I love it when you do that? Because I'm telling you now, I do love it. Very much."

They beamed at each other, Ezra all scrapes and flashing white teeth. Then he spoke up again, his voice cracking a little when he said, "So... What are we now?"
She paused, considering it for a moment.
Then she felt fluttering in her chest as she spoke carefully.
"Well... Now that I've just kissed you and you basically declared your feelings for me the day before yesterday, I'd say that makes us a couple, wouldn't you?"
He wheezed. "You mean - you mean you feel the same way?"

She traced his cheek and smiled shyly, with a twinkle in her eye. "Took me a while to realise it, Bridger, but you know I couldn't ignore your hotness forever, could I?"

His eyes lit up and he pumped his fist in the air.
"Aw yeah!! You know you couldn't! Wait - before we do anything else, do I or do I not disassemble Chopper?"
She laughed, a pure, joyous sound that made her think of the future even more dearly for once. "I don't think so. He's the one who got us together, after all."

Ezra whistled. "Together. Together... Oh, man. You and me, me and you... Together! You sure you wanna do this, Wren?"
She took his hands. "I think that now, anything's possible. So.. I do wanna do this. And it's gonna be a real ride, but it also might be fun,"

He beamed a real, happy smile, like all of his dreams were being fulfilled at once.
"Hell yes, it's gonna be fun! Now, where were we? I have a feeling you owe me a lot more kisses..."

She obliged, and the world seemed to fly by as their lips met, and sparks tingled all over his body again. He had been waiting for this for so long he didn't even think this was possible, but it was. And so he mustered the courage to whisper, "I love you, 'Bine."
Her face was alight with happiness. "I love you too,"
Then she paused, wrinkled her nose and grinned. "Stinky."
He grinned.
"I do stink... Of awesome!"
And didn't she know it.

How was THAT??? Yeah, I know, shorter than usual, but I think that gave it the right vibe. Keep an eye out for the next chapter which is going to be goooood I promise you. That's all I've got for now!

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