Splashes of Colour

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Oh. My. God.
Watch the Season Finale before you read this unless you want to be forever spoiled.
Um. I'm. I'm in a state of shock and despair and delight and sadness and happiness over the finale. Because of Kanan. And I just... Well, let's just say he might not see Hera's face for a while. And of course I'm heartbroken. I had this pit in my stomach for two days. I mean... Kanan is going to have all new badassery now. But he's not going to be able to see with his own eyes - unless he uses the Force to see. It's just -KANAN! KANAN! I CAN'T GET OVER IT!!
Okay, focus. So in this sequel to Unhello, Ezra is heartbroken and utterly guilty about Kanan's blindness. Sabine has to cheer him up. Hope you like this one guys, and I'm not gonna be posting until my exams are over (because I need some serious study time) and yeah. Please tell me what you think in the comments because it will be long and here we goooooo!

Splashes of Colour

He lit up her life. He shone whenever she felt like plunging into darkness and was the hand pulling her out of the deep waters of fear and sadness.
He was there in the morning, just smiling away at her whenever she happened to look his direction.

She didn't understand it at first. He went to say goodbye and go back to his life of being alone again, and yet he still smiled at her, while she looked at him in confusion and then sadness.
He grinned at her during breakfast, for seemingly no reason at all.
He beamed at her every time she took a good shot at a buckethead, or blew up something and made it look awesome. He gave her a little awkward smile before he plummeted off the Ghost for kriff's sake!

And she couldn't understand why. He had lost just as much as her, and grew up on his own for 7 years. How was he so jokey, so confident and cocky?
And why the hell did those special smiles, constantly at her and not at anyone else mind you (he insulted Zeb and looked grumpily at Chopper on a regular basis), make her feel so... So... Jumpy? She couldn't find the word.

Then she figured it out after Empire Day - and how his anger and sadness unnerved her so much, seeing how he was normally nothing but jokes and flirting around her until Tseebo arrived.
He used his humour and sarcasm as a coping mechanism, much like she portrayed the tough talking Mandalorian explosives expert who painted to keep her head.
She understood him a lot better after that, and they became real friends. Oh, they still bickered, and he flirted and still shot her those special smiles, but it didn't confuse her or irritate her anymore. She grew to appreciate and love that side of him, and didn't want the sad side to come out. In some ways, she was the seriousness to his fun (although she could completely take a joke and play pranks on Zeb and Chopper when they got time.)
They were a team. He could somehow cheer her up in her worst moments. And she took it completely for granted.

Until one day he stopped smiling.

She noticed it the day after Kanan went blind. She didn't know if it was permanent, but ever since Ezra had come back he hadn't smiled once. He was despondent. And it frightened her. For the past three weeks, she couldn't see the smile pop up at breakfast, it wouldn't come when Zeb said something funny - all she saw was sadness and hurt and guilt.
She had been missing him while he was gone - it was strange not to see that mop of hair pop up and his eyes twinkle as he helped out. She was longing for him to come back, however in bad shape they were, and be his usual self. But she was wrong.

He no longer looked up at her - at anyone, with a smile on his face. She got that he was deeply impacted by Maul's betrayal and blinding Kanan, not knowing what happened to Ahsoka and Vader breaking his lightsaber. It had shattered what was left of their peace when they settled on the base and she wished a thousand times over that they hadn't have left. She remembered that when they arrived, she and Ezra had looked at each other and he was filled with pain, so much that he couldn't even speak.

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