She's havin' a bad bad day

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Hey guys! Yeah, see what I did there (Despicable Me reference tho) and what do you think of my seat above, titled If Ezra got Taller (who's short now, shorty!!!! Imagine the banter...) also, Sabine is blushy. Duh.
This is a fun one, a prequel mind you because I wanted to show how Sabine warmed up to Ezra, since I had been wondering about this transition from irritation to friendship! And of course Ezra is trying to make her laugh in this fic. So here we go, and tell me what you think!

The Ghost and it's crew was all a very new experience for Ezra, but he was slowly getting used to the whole thing. Well, some things.
One thing he couldn't get used to was the food. It wasn't that he didn't like it - he couldn't get enough of it. But that was the real shock to his system. For 8 years of his life, he'd never had enough of it. And now, he couldn't believe how much food they had. For them, it was nothing really, but for him it was a feast. Hera made sure he had enough, even though his habit of eating only a little to save food was still hovering about. They were all treating him like on of the family. Even Zeb, after they stole a tie together, was like an older brother to him. The only one who was still distant was Sabine.

Sabine Wren... That girl was something. She'd blasted her way into his life, literally, dived down, commented on his gutsy moves and made off with a crate. His crate. Even before she took her helmet, he was impressed. And then once she did, he just couldn't resist hitting on her. It wasn't even his fault! How was he supposed to know his weakness was strong, smart, sassy Mandalorian gunslingers who just happened to be irresistibly cute and hot? She was a knockout. And completely out of his league. Ezra knew this. Okay, maybe she wasn't into him now.
But who knew what would happen in the future? And he saw something when she told him her name for the first time. A little smile. A breach of her shell. Just enough for him to see there was more underneath her gruff persona. Ezra wanted that to come out. She just needed to warm up to him. And Ezra took it upon
himself to make sure that happened.
How, you may ask? By doing what he did whenever he got the chance - cracking jokes and mouthing off.

And so he'd start with a, "Hey Sabine," and see where he went from there. Normally, it would be fruitless. But Ezra was a confident dude. And once he started, he wouldn't give up. Whether that be Jedi training, or flirting - this boy was on a roll!
Unfortunately, today was not a good day for any flirting.

"Uh-oh" Zeb muttered in a voiced that spelled trouble as Sabine entered the room that morning, scowling fiercely and looking very bedraggled, her hair sticking up and a blob of red paint on her cheek and nose.
"I've seen that look before. That's a bad day look."
Ezra looked up at Zeb, puzzled. He was still the rookie, the noob.
"What's a bad day look?" he asked.
Zeb grunted, looking sheepish. "Ever had a bad day, kid? We all have them. Nothing goes right on a bad day. And you can always tell from the expression. But with Sabine... Well, hers are particularly bad."
They both peered over from the table to the right, where Sabine was busy ranting to Kanan.
"A paint canister. I bust a paint canister. How does that happen? These were the extra durable ones! I don't break paint cans! Not normally!"
Ezra winced, and then he got an idea. Maybe today was the day! All he had to do was make a plan n the go. And he was great at that. Improvise was his middle name.
Zeb scratched his head, nodding. "Breaks something, heavy metal blasting from her room, paint on her face. Yep, that's definitely the start of a bad day."
Ezra responded to this by tilting his head and cracking his knuckles, to Zeb's amusement.
"Well I'm gonna end that bad day before it takes over!" he exclaimed, a mad gleam in his eye. Zeb roared with laughter, slapping his knee.
"Good one, kid. I'd like to see you try! She likes to be ALONE on days like these, to get over it."
Ezra glared at the Lasat, then smiled at Sabine confidently and waved at her, raising his eyebrows, to which she made a confused look, waved slightly back and then quickly turned away, still furious.
"You watch. I bet I can make her laugh with some of the old Ezra magic!" he said, still smiling at her.
Zeb scoffed, thumping Ezra on the back amicably.
"You owe me five waffles if you can't manage it. I'm still not over yesterday!"
Ezra shook on it, grinning. "You're on. And you have to make them for me if I win. She laughs once, those waffles are mine!"
Zeb snorted and walked off, but not before calling back, "Like that'll happen. Smiling doesn't count, by the way. And she still hasn't warmed to you fully. I can taste those waffles already!"

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