Dance With Me

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Hey guys! I'm back again! And this is a oneshot I've been looking forward to putting on here for a looooong time! So Ezra takes Sabine out on a date in his own very sneaky Ezra way by not telling her it's a date - and more like this surprise fun thing she doesn't know about. Sabine doesn't dance. And Ezra wants her to. It will be fluffy!
Because Sabine would totally sing "I don't dance" from high school musical. Oh yes. I can see you envisioning it in your mind, Ezra and Sabine dueting I don't dance. Ooh. Maybe I should write a song fic? But I'm getting ahead of myself. On with the fluffiness!
(Oh I know)
Sorry. I'm sick, my mind is doing weird things today. Moving on.

Sabine could do a lot of things. She could do the quick draw faster than a veteran Mando such as Fenn Rau. She could somersault off buildings and blow up grounded tie fighters simultaneously, while eating a slice of pie if she really wanted to show off. She could jam the toughest Imperial signal if she had the right equipment and time. She was an expert sniper, fighter and artist all at once. With art, there was always improvement. It was the same principle for fighting, shooting, somersaulting. But there were things Sabine chose not to do. And Sabine didn't dance.

She used to, once. In a more civilised time when she had parents, a clan, one home. But now she didn't dance. What time did she have, what skills did she need for something as trivial as dancing? Especially with a partner. She could only dream of such things.

Ezra wasn't convinced. And he decided, as always, that he needed to take action. So when they arrived back on Lothal for a long supply haul with some of their contacts, Ezra knew exactly where to take her in the meantime. He pulled her along, saying "Come on. It'll be fun. It's a surprise and you'll like it,"
He asked, grinning a secret grin. She was clueless about where they were going or what they were going to do, but she trusted him. And so she let him drag her along just this once.

The annual Underground Lothal Festival wasn't big, as festivals went. They changed the date and sent it out in different code every year, and they had to be very wary of who they let in. The only celebration the Imperials really allowed was Empire Day, and that was never a good one.
But, since the organisers were old friends of Ezra's parents, they let him and Sabine in straight away. One such friend, a cheerful, big bellied and loud Devaronian named Kartal welcomed him in with open arms as Ezra shoved a large rock to the side and they entered the dark passageway.
"Eeeeezra! Good to have you back, my boy! Long time no see!" Kartal exclaimed, picking Ezra off the ground in a great hug, to which Sabine covered up a laugh. Ezra winced and gave him a nostalgic smile. "Heard you went into hiding, Kartal. How's this place still running?" Ezra asked. Kartal winked at him, and said secretively, "You heard right. But it wouldn't do to shut this place down. We all need a bit of light in this time. And dancing is light! Besides, it's what I can do to... erm, rebel without being caught. Speaking of which, nice broadcast. You inspired many people. Including us."
Sabine looked back and forth between the two, putting the pieces together. Ezra gave a half hearted, bashful grin. "Aw, thanks Kartal." Then the large Devarionian caught sigh of Sabine, helmet off and very confused.
"And who is your pretty friend here?" He exclaimed, shooting Ezra a delighted look. Ezra was only slightly embarrassed.
"Kartal, this is Sabine. She's a, uh, friend of mine who needs a lesson or two on how to lighten up."
Sabine punched his shoulder with a "Hey!" and then cleared her throat. "Ezra dragged me to this, um, lovely tunnel so I could 'let loose and have fun', as he put it."
Kartal's eyes twinkled, and he nudged Ezra. "And so you will! Right this way, miss."
He murmured something to Ezra when Sabine was out of earshot, making her way through the dark, slightly damp tunnel.
It was lucky it was almost pitch black in there, because Ezra grunted, "Uh, nope! Not yet!" And turned various shades of pink. She ignored him and carried on through the tunnel, when he grabbed her hand for her to stop. She whipped her head around, her hand meeting his shoulder. "Hey - this way, wise navigator," he said, smiling in the dark.
He was the only thing she could really see or feel, so when he pulled her towards a faint light she followed, and Kartal stepped into view.
"Welcome, my friends, to the Annual Lothal Festival!"

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