Undercover Bet

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Helloooooo my wonderful readers (you guys are the best at motivation seriously thank you) I'm back and I have another oneshot for you! I can't believe it's 30 chapters already! How the time has flown. Because it's the hiatus for Season 3, it's like I'm a little lost. But that's okay! It means more time for studying, worrying about Ezra, drawing and writing! And also preparing for Star Wars Celebration in London, cause I'm gon' be there!Confession: this one is partly based on that Helms Deep scene in LOTR and also that bet between Jake and Amy in Brooklyn Nine Nine, but with a different plot twist as well as it being Ezra and Sabine! Also, blind!Kanan.
So, hope you guys enjoy it, and I'll be back with more later! Please rate and review in the comments because they really make my day and tell me where to go next! Let's go go gooooo!

It was Ezra, Sabine and Zeb on a stakeout. Kanan had planned it all out: a raid on the imperial food supplies to give to the people on Garel. They would ambush the troopers and cause a distraction and then aid Chopper and Kanan in hauling the food away. Hera in the Ghost and the A Wing pilots were waiting if they needed backup.
And Ezra and Sabine were bantering, as usual, as they waited on the rooftop for Zeb's signal.

"I bet I can knock out the most troopers!" Ezra exclaimed as quietly as he could, while Sabine snorted.
"Please. You might have the Force on your side, but I am way faster."

He raised an eyebrow.
"You sure about that,'Bine? Cause I'm pretty sure I could make your knees knock with my skills," he said, and she scoffed, her eyes ready for action. She loved a good competition.

"I could take you down any time, any day, Bridger. You know what? If I knock out more, and get on the Phantom first, you have to do all my chores for two weeks."

Ezra winced - two weeks?! - but then decided that he could do this. And he would raise the stakes even higher. And then he got such a mind-blowing idea that he was surprised at himself. A slow spreading but wicked grin spread across his face and he said, wiggling his eyebrows,
"Deal! And because I'm gonna win, as well as chores, you have to go on a date with me."
He saw her expression of shock and... something else, and she said, "What?! No way."

He felt disappointed, but decided to persuade her further. "Yes way. What, come on, it won't be like going out with someone like Lando for example."
She shuddered. "Don't you bring that up again. He messed around with our brains."
He muttered, "He messed around with your brain. Ahem, I mean, exactly. It'll  just be the cheesiest of cheesy dates - it won't even be a real date!"

He was lying through his teeth, of course. He wanted this. Badly. And he suspected that somewhere in that beautiful mind of hers she did too.

"Oh yeah?" She replied, sceptically. "Sure. You know what? A date is too big for just chores. You have to give me that new helmet you got. The Inquisitor one. For keeps,"

Ezra groaned. He wanted to growl, 'Nuh-uh. It's mine!!' But the temptation of a date was too much. So he just said, "Hmm. As much as I like that helmet, it's so worth it. Deal."
Somewhere far in the galaxy, thunder and lightning probably crashed, and Zeb gave the signal.
Sabine and Ezra grinned evilly at each other as they leaped off the roof; Sabine launching off and somersaulting  through the air, thinking she's got the head start.
In reality, Ezra was only giving her head start so he could show off his move: the Force Jump.

She started shooting as Ezra yelled, "Watch this!"
And she was stunned as Ezra literally flew through the air, drop kicking one trooper on the way in. Kriff, she got distracted!
"That counts as two by the way!" He shouted as he nailed them with his blaster-lightsaber.

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