9. Note Found

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Harry's Pov:

I woke up before her so I went to the restroom and looked around the surroundings of where she tried to kill herself... but out of all the bad things I found I found a note from what she wrote, 

Dear Harry, I know you won't find this immediately but maybe when you do find it what I did was successful. If I am dead I want you to know I only loved you and I just wanted you to love me... do you love me? I swear all I wanted was you to stay... why do you hate me? Is it because I'm not one of those flawless girls you see in magazines? I'm not no covergirl... Is it because I'm not a model?  I want you to love me. Please! Why can't I be loved by you? Hazza... why? I can't feel my hands now but thats ok. The blood all over the paper is for you. The wet stains are the tears I shed for you. I love you, Hazza. Goodbye.

I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier... I fall down to my knees and place my forehead against the floor just crying silently as possible. I tried muffling any sounds I made but one loud cry escaped. Holding my breath I stopped to listen to see if she had woken, nothing. I finally stared around to find the sun wasn't even close to coming up. Finally I turned over and set the paper on the bathroom counter and shuffled through the medicine cabinet to find a few full bottles of depression medicine, sleeping pills, pain killers and I knew something wasn't completely right with her when they released her. Something... she's in a bad state. She didn't seem so bad... but then I heard her. She jumped out of bed, I closed the medicine cabinet as quickly as I could and  hid the note in its original place. She ran into the bathroom and hugged me, tears running down her cheeks just staining her beautiful face, "Harry!!!" no more words needed... she's sick. Truly and surely sick. She can't be alone. I have to be her rock and take care of her, I need to love her. 

Camilla's POV:

I woke up and saw an empty place beside me. Harry! He's gone? No! He can't be. I saw my bathroom light on and ran in to see Harry looking so exhausted as I ran into his arms. Why was he awake... I don't care... I just want him to stay with me. Never leave. I felt his arms reach and pick me up gently and he didn't stop holding me until he sat me down on the bed and he got in beside me to hold me and comfort me "Sh, Camilla. Don't cry, love." he continued whispering sweet calming things until finally it all was blocked out by just the thought of how strong his arms were wrapped around me, how protective he was. He was perfect whether he knew it or not... I never have felt this way before. It was perfect. I think I truly do love him, then I fell asleep.

*hours later* I wake up to a smiling Harry, "Morning love. Your mum is cooking breakfast." I smiled, "Gosh, I swear I wouldn't mind eating all of it." he laughed, "Come on, get up. Lets go talk to her." We got up and made our way down the stairs but he stops me halfway, "Hey, I love you Camilla." he pressed his lips on my cheek and blushed and ran down the stairs like a child into the kitchen which I slowly got to the kitchen right after, "Morning you two! How did you sleep." "I slept well, ma'am," He said hugging my mum. "Good, I'm glad." she said hugging him back. I never knew that this could be possible!! I snapped out of it when Harry sat beside me at the table, "You ok?" "Y-yeah." "You sure?" "Tired still?" "Yeah..." a smile crossed his face, "I apologize for worrying you this morning." he whispered. "So! Who is hungry?" mum called. 

Oh, Darling <3 (Harry Styles Fan Fiction!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant