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[ ashley quinn's point of view ]

"Grace, are you done?" I frowned as I saw her smiling like a freak in front of her laptop, "Sorry, sorry. he disconnected already." she closes her laptop to face me, "So what's up?"

"What were you doing anyway?" 

"Oh, y'know, Omegle again." I rolled my eyes. I swear to God I am not going to use that freaking website again.

"I talked to a fanboy, he told me that he was gonna come to the concert." Grace started, fixing her bed, "VIP seat. Too bad I didn't get his name."

"Whatever." I said then bit my wafer. I may sound like I don't care, I'm all ears anyway. 

"It's really amazing to talk to a guy who has the same interest as yours, like, seriously." She inhaled, trying to contain her feels. "I FEEL LIKE IM GONNA EXPLODE I'M FINALLY SEEING THEM AGAIN!!" she tossed herself on her own bed before screaming under a pillow.

"Sure, buddy." I chuckled, "We should plan on what we're going to wear on the concert."

"hell yeah!" she stood, grinning, "But first, we need to settle the tickets. I-You know, this is the first time I'm spending a lot of money for a concert."

"Me too, I can't believe we're both taking the VIP seats. heck, I didn't expect this." I sighed. "My moneeeeeyyyyy."

"Uh, come on. This was your idea in the first place." Grace scratched her head, "And besides, we earned money for the concert."

"Yeah, you're right." I gulped. "Well? I'm gonna go home now. I need sleep too, hoe. It's 9:00 PM."

Raising an eyebrow, she only gave me a groan as a reply. I chuckled, "Toodles."


Stranger: People come and go.

"huh. why did i talk to that stranger that like that anyway?" I suddenly remember the things I sent to the stranger on my 2nd time talking to strangers on Omegle.

Maybe because I was so disappointed that I didn't get the name of the guy? I dunno.

My phone rang, It showed an unknown number calling. I answered it.

[hyung, what time are you going to come home?]

"huh?" I furrowed my eyed. The voice on the other line gasped, [ooohhh shit...] he cursed.

[Sorry, wrong number. bye!]

The fuck was that?

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