As the windows shattered.

The kids screamed in fear at the sudden action as Maurice took deep breaths to remain calm he needed to keep his emotions in check. 

*Good job pup, now if you can. Try and lead everyone out of the classroom  as quietly as possible, there Alpha will lead everyone someplace safe where they will meet your father,*

Maurice slightly nodded his head before carefully crawling to the front earning the kid's attention "Maurice what are you doing?" his teacher questioned while frowning "everyone follow me," he said calmly while looking back at the other kids who looked at each other then back at the blue hedgeling.

"Keep low, and stay away from the glass," Maurice says before he began crawling once more.

"An- And why should we trust you?" one of the students says arguing a bit "because, you guys don't seem to know what to do in this situ-situa-tion," Maurice says spelling out the last bit of his sentence "and plus, I want you guys to be safe," he added on while carefully leaving the classroom without much trouble.

Some of the students began crawling after the hedgeling quickly while making sure to avoid the glass that was sprawled out everywhere on the floor.

When another series of explosions went off that shook the ground of the school which caused mayhem as the other students began to panic but the blue male remain calm when Leo got into the school meeting the other students in the hallway.
*Pup,* Leo huffed when the other students paused as they began shaking as the teacher nearly screamed "Lunar?" Maurice says while sitting up until the wolf nuzzles his cheek.

*I'll handle the rest from here, since I can't communicate with the others I need you to do so for me,* Leo barked slightly "ok, I need to get to the front?" he says when the wolf nodded his head.

*Yes, to make an announcement and get everyone safely evacuated to the front. Tell them to crawl out of their classrooms where they can make it to the hallway without being spotted, there they'll meet a group that will lead them all safely,* Leo barked slightly as Maurice nodded his head.

He then looked at his classmates "everyone, this is Lunar. He is my mama's compan-companion, he will take you to the front safely," he explained to his classmates who looked at him suspiciously especially his teacher.
Maurice then got up on his feet then began jogging to the front office while Leo huffed before motioning his head in the direction he needed the students to go.

One of the kids muttered something under his breath annoyed about having to blindly trust some weird kid and a wild animal.




Well, Maurice managed to safely evacuate everyone from their classrooms as they met up with Jules but there were a few that didn't listen to him, and it took them getting hurt to follow the young 9-year-old instructions as they were scared.

Soon, one by one everyone was guided to a bunch of buses where they were taken someplace safe, but Maurice didn't go with them as Suzen had told him not to.

He had to go elsewhere...



Or well...



That was the plan at least...



But, that's not how it went...



Here's what actually happened...



Maurice had managed to get everyone safely out of the classroom when a few of the students got annoyed and/or frightened when Mrs. Howord calmed them down before going over to the young male.

"Maurice sweetie, do you have any idea what's going on?" his teacher asked when he shook his head.

"I don't, all I know is. I want to get you out," he says when one of the kids groans "ya right like you wouldn't. This is probably just some plan to get us all hurt," they said when another chimed in "true, he's the only one not freaking out right now, and let's not forget that show he pulled earlier," she says while rolling her eyes.

"Children-" Mrs. Howord was cut off "no, he wants to hurt us!" one of the other kids raised their voice.

Maurice shushed her "keep your voice down," he says as his ear twitched when one of the popular kids in the group of students clicked their tongue "why!" he said annoyed.

When Maurice's ears perked up "shhh," he hushed as his ear flicked for a bit until he winced and grabbed at his ears.

"Oh look he making another performance for us!" another of the popular kids shouted "kids settle down, maybe we should trust Maurice in this. His parents probably helped him prepare for this," Mrs. Howord says "who prepares their kid for an attack," another student shouted.

"Protective parents," another of the students says before crawling over to Maurice to sit by his side "I mean you never know right," she says with a shrug of her shoulders.

Though some of the other kids just stared at them when Mrs. Howord sighed "ok, Mau-" she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence when Leo ran over quickly and grabbed the small male by the back of his shirt, then gently pushed the girl away as the roof caved in separating the groups as everyone screamed in fear.

*Pup, we need to go you've all stalled for too long,* Leo huffed when the little girl screamed but her mouth was quickly covered by Maurice "shh, don't scream...Something's coming," the young male whispered before gently pushing the little girl towards the wall, with Leo following him.

And sure enough with the commotion that was going on drew attention towards the group of students while Maurice held the girl close with Leo covering them.

As the hallway went pick black the only light source was from a flashlight that some man was holding as Leo gently pushed the kids into a corner to hide them from the light while he remained still.

"Y-" she was cut off once agian by the young male who shushed her once more.




Maurice, the girl, and Leo finally made it safely out of the school, which was supposedly stuck in a hole so they had found a different way out as the young male's ears lowered.

"Oh no!" the girl says with tears in her eyes as Bernadette went over to the children giving them a big hug "don't worry help is on the way," she whispered softly as Maurice's breathing became uneven when he watched, some people who were wearing black outfits jump into the hole Leo had created to help them out...

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