When the past strikes

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Epsilon: Washington what's happening
*while inside Washington's mind*
Washington: what happened where am I?
*everything was red no where to go and no where to run he was in a forest in his dream then he saw a boy hiding behind the trees, the boy looked familiar then he looked closer and saw his childhood self crying*
Washington: hey what's the matter little bud
Young Washington: m...my friend is gone
Washington: what happened
Young Washington: s....she........
*the young Washington pointed a body lying on the ground it didn't moved but he can see blood flowing under the body, Washington was shocked on what he saw and then he looked at the young Washington but he was gone in a blink*
Washington: hey where'd you go?
*washington looked at the dead body again but it was also gone, he heard some kind of footsteps and a screeching sound and saw a some sort of a abandoned house, there he saw young Washington hiding and spying onto something and suddenly saw a girl with a wagon heading straight to the mysterious looking house and something called his name*
Mysterious voice: David! Come here quick
Washington: huh?
*washington looked back and saw nothing behind him and he looked back again and everything was gone all he sees now is a mysterious girl playing with the young Washington he didn't saw the girls face and saw a mysterious creature attacking them they both ran for their lives and everything went black and Washington opened his eyes*
Epsilon: Washington are you ok
Washington: y..yeah I'm fine
Epsilon: well you don't look like your ok tell me what happened
Washington: well its kinda hard to explain
Epsilon: just say it Wash
Washington: I think I just saw my childhood past
Epsilon: your kidding right
Washington: well I saw this girl with a wagon going to an abandoned house tho.....
Epsilon: ok you can stop now wash
Washington: I don't know what's inside the wagon and then everything changed...
Epsilon: uhh... Wash...
Washington: ok what?
Epsilon: you know we're still in a big problem right
Washington: oh... You got a point there.....
*washington saw something standing right before him*
Washington: uh..... Hi...😅
*the lady in yellow punched Washington flying and crashing*
Washington: wow talk about Wyoming's knock knock jokes
Epsilon: wash we got incoming
Washington: hey what are these circle things
Epsilon: this is bad
Washington: what are you talking about
Epsilon: well good luck
Washington: wait what
*washington saw something rapidly going towards him*
Washington: this is gonna.....
*a moment of slashing*
Washington: hurt
Epsilon: you ok
Washington: do you think I'm ok
Epsilon: well your lying on the ground and your heart beats beating fast and.....
Washington: ok stop
Epsilon: so what are you going to do now
Washington: well there's only one thing to do
Epsilon: what
Washington: *pls work*
*the two charged Washington and ready to make him suffer to all of the things he'd done and said to them when suddenly*
Washington: oh look a giant flying creature that has four wings
*the two looked on what he pointed at*
Washington: ok plan starts now
*washington saw ropes and rapidly tied the two to a tree*
Epsilon: hey you said your gonna use the knives
Washington: well... Change of plans right
Epsilon: yeah right......
*a gunshot was heard*
Washington: Oh.. I forgot there were two more
Epsilon: I got a plan but you might not like this one
Washington: depends on what it is
Epsilon: I need a sample voice of one of them
Washington: why?
Epsilon: just do it we don't have time for explaining
Washington: ok.. Ok..
*washington walked towards the persons he tied up*
Washington: ok if your trying to break free that won't work because that rope is the hardest kind of rope in the whole world...
*the two kept starring at Washington unfriendly*
Washington: ok so no one wants to talk huh well....
*washington thank of something and suddenly came up on an idea he smiled a little*
Washington: ok so.... How's the ice kingdom going may I ask
*the lady in white looked down*
Washington: what something wrong.......... Ice queen.... 😏
Lady in white: ok I had enough of your.....
*washington covered her mouth*
Washington: ok that should be enough Snow White..... Did you get it
Epsilon: yup and nice moves tho
Washington: shut up and do your thing because I'm starting to get nervous here and my hand is kinda ticklish
*washington found something useful in his pocket*
Washington: duck tape at last
*washington duck taped their mouths*
Washington: looking good ice queen.... You too goldilocks
Epsilon: done
Washington: now what
Epsilon: I converted it to a screaming sound so it can easily call the other ones
Washington: I don't get anything on what you said but I know your just doing your job
Epsilon: absolutely now when I turn on the screaming signal run away ok
Washington: copy that
*epsilon started the scream sound he converted and starts to be heard by the other ones and so they ran towards the forest*
York: ok... I think wash did something terrible didn't he?
North: wash couldn't do that
York: well maybe
*they saw Washington running away from the forest*
York: wash his alive North!
North: yeah but somethings not right why is he making that nervous face though
York: yeah your right
*there were trees falling and then suddenly bigger creatures appeared behind Washington*
York: well that explains it
North: so you can taunt creatures too
Washington: oh just shut up and run!
*washington tripped and almost got killed, but someone saved his life*
Washington: red?
York: ok......
North: I thought they were mad at us
Washington: but why?
Lady in red: because I knew your not the bad guy.... I guess....
Washington: yeah right...... Epsilon you seeing this
Epsilon: well I have nothing to say

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