Unpleasant meeting part 2

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*cold air was drifting by until Washington opened his eyes he saw ropes tying his arms unable to move*
Washington: huh? Why am I tied up and what the hell happened......
*then, Washington remembered*
Washington: oh yeah right we got knocked up and now we're tied up and being held as prisoners
*York and North woke up*
York: wow that's one heck of a headache
North: yeah York it's because of your brilliant plan
Washington: ok does anyone have a brilliant plan now
York: I do
Washington: ok what is it
York: we need to....
Washington: ok screw that how about you North?
York: hey I'm not yet done....
Washington: just be quiet York they might hear us
York: who the hell might hear us Wash
Washington: the ones who attacked us... Is there anyone other than them may I ask smarty pants
York: hey just asking don't be so rude mr. Know it all
Washington: hey If it wasn't your god damn plan we weren't in this kind of situation
York: hey your the one who attacked first
Washington: well your the one who said to me to attack first
North: uh... Guys
Washington & York: what
North: I think they already heard you two
Washington: who
*York turned around*
York: oh.....
Washington: what is it.. What are you looking at....
*washington turned around and saw a rapier like weapon pointed at him*
Washington: ok... Just as I expected
*washington was making sign languages behind his back telling North to start the escape plan by activating theta and slicing the ropes tied in his arms*
North: well here goes nothin
*north breaks free and quickly untied York and wash in a blink of an eye the mysterious persons were shocked but except for the other one and mistook them again and thought they were starting a fight again then....*
York: incoming!
Washington: oh give me a break!
North: theta shield now!
Theta: on it
*theta activated a protective barrier blocking the incoming attack*
North: thanks Theta
Theta: it's what I do anyways hehe
York: ok now what's their problem
Washington: well as you can see here York we are now... in a middle.... of a....
York: fight?
Washington: yes but for the second time
York: so it's round two now
North: it would've been ok if you haven't said that
Washington: wait we don't need to fight them
York: why?
Washington: we're gonna be dead if we keep fighting all we need to do is to escape from them
York: well if we do that there gonna keep chasing us
*washington saw knives scattering in the snow*
Washington: I got a plan
York: what
Washington: what if I use the knives and make their clothes stuck in the trees
York: ok that doesn't make sense at all Wash
North: the question is how can you do that
Washington: trust me I'm good with knives
North: then do it now
Washington: the problem is how can I make them chase me
York: I know
Washington: what?
York: remember when you made random nicknames and taunting words to ct
Washington: yeah what
York: she chased you and wanted to kill you right
Washington: well she got mad but yeah she chased me and wanted to kill me but why are you...... Wait don't tell me
York: oh cmon Wash your the only guy who sucks in handling girls... You got rejected a million times though
Washington: shut up but I'll try the taunting again
*washington stepped forward and praying to God saying "I hope I won't die" then he rapidly ran towards the knives and talked to epsilon for a second*
Washington: can you give me some disturbing clues that makes them angry or raging for a sec
Epsilon: I thought your not gonna ask, here throw one knife cutting a hair strand to the yellow one
*washington threw a knife and cutting a single hair strand of the mysterious person in yellow and something changed*
Washington: ok is it me or she's just running towards me like she wants to tear me apart
Epsilon: well you said to give you clues on making them berserk right
Washington: well that's not a clue anymore and you gave me something that would totally kill me!
Epsilon: look I'm just doing my job
Washington: no time for saying useless things and start telling me what to do to make them raging like hell
Epsilon: but you just said to me not to
Washington: just do it, there getting closer to the warthog
*then suddenly the mysterious person attacked wash but Washington evaded the attack leading it to hit the ground and leaving a hard blow to the ground*
Epsilon: say annoying things to the lady in white!
Washington: clue!
Epsilon: compare her with snow, ice or anything that's cold!
Washington: ok!
* while running Washington shouted*
Washington: hey! Ice head go make some Popsicles!
*the lady in white stopped and turned to wash and stabbed the ground making a path of ice targeting wash*
Washington: well that worked well
Epsilon: dodge it!
* Washington dodges the the attack and keeps shouting*
Washington: is that all you got! then come on and chase me ice queen but I now your to slow to catch up!
Epsilon: wash behind you!
Washington: woah! Almost forgot you goldy
*washington kept running and running*
Washington: this is gonna be a long day
*washington ran towards the forest and stopped for a sec*
Washington: now all I have to do is to lessen their temper
Epsilon: well I don't have any data about things like that
Washington: so you mean
Epsilon: your on your own now Wash
Washington: well..... Crap
*washington was getting ready on what will happen until..... Something flashed through his mind aching his head and made him scream with pain*
Washington: gahhhhhhhhh!!!
Epsilon: Washington what's wrong

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