Chapter 22: .....But it's all good

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I'm so not use to not being able to walk up behind joyce and hug her slightly chubby pregnant woman waist. It's getting hard for me to resist her because she has that pregnant woman glow and it's beautiful on  her.I can't even kiss her stomach no more :(. I prolly sound thirsty but it ain't nothin' wrong wit speakin da truth. She is just workin it wit dat belly. Ok nooow i sound like a girl. She's 2 weeks into the  5th month and today we're going to an ultrasound. Ofcourse it's not our first ultrasound but anyway, we just wanna make sure the baby is healthy. I'm on my way to go pick her up. Even though she's joyce, she still the evil-ness of a pregnant girl. She always smacking me up side the head with diapers and saying "you don't know nothin bout lil girls" . I mean just because i said her room should blue and white don't mean ion know nothin bout girls. I knew enough to get up in dat pussy ¡=).   She thinks her room should be purple and white, i agreed just to give her satisfaction. A fight between me and her? Trust me, she gon' win.


Haayoo, I'm here. My back is killin me tho. It sure sucks to feel like i got bricks glued to my stomach. That's the least of my problems tho. Chres is a handful. Nigga if we makin a decision, im da pregnant one so that automatically makes me right. Don't ask why, just know im right. + Ion like hangin round him forreal. He's my ex! But we can't just make a baby and never see eachother again. It's so awkward how he look at me. Like he just wanna snuggle all da time. It's weird but i know hes not over me. Im not completely over him either,just like 70%. It's hard to let love go but hey... Some things just have to happen. Our baby girl is healthy so far. We're going to our...i think 5,6, or 7th ultrasound today. Hopefully it goes right. I can't take too much stress.


Me: chresanto you goin the wrong way.

Chres: *sigh* no im not joyce

Me: yes you are, the turn was right not left!

Chres: *points and parks the car* see we're here. Ya happy now?

Me: shutup and help a fat nigga out da car.

He helped me out the car and we walked in. We sat in the waiting room after speaking to the lady at the front desk. A while after, prolly ten minutes, our doctor was ready for us.

doc: hi ms.williams, how are you doing todaaay? *smiles and helps hugs her*

me: hi doctor cook, I'm fine and you? *smiles*

doc: I'm here..

me&chres: amen

doc: *laughs* have you had any problems or unusual pain?

me: ma'am. Just the same old back pains. 

doc: are they getting heavier?

me: no ma'am, I think  they're actually lowering. I rarely have them.

doc: mm..well that-that really isn't usual, i mean you're 5 months pregnant...i wish it was that easy for me when I was pregnant..beleive me when I tell you it was not fun for me *laughs*

me: well my little bundle of joy hasn't been a walk in the park either so I know. *smiles*

doc: *rolls over to desk and speaks to chres* so dad...has she been keepin' ya up all night?

chres: oh umm..we aren't living together...

doc: *turns around* well joyce i don't know how you manage, I kept everyone in my house up AAALL night til' I was comfortable, and I never was. Are you two thinking about moving in together?

me: *looking down and playing with my ring* doc...we're not together.

doc: *puts her hand on her heart and pouts* awww I'm sorry. You two were cut together to me. 

me: *sigh* yep..thanks

doc: okay lets get started 8walks over to joyce* lay down for me.

I layed down and she rubbed that gel on my stomach. She picked up the thingy and moved it around on my stomach as we all kept our eyes on the screen.

doc: oh my.

me&chres: WHAT??!!

doc: oh,'s just amazing how well your progress is going.  *puts her hand on joyce's shoulder*You're fine honey *smiles*

me: *sighs and smiles* okay

doc: have you been eating healthy?

me: yea, I eat bananas or oatmeal for breakfast. Every now and then some eggs. For lunch I'd eat some salad. For dinner I usually eat sea food.

doc: well try to cut down on the sea food. Umm..shrimp is good but not much others. also try to sleep on your right side if you lay on your side. It'll help with your baby's dovelopment. *wipes her stomach off* okay missy we're all done here.

me: *sits up* thakyou doctor cook.

doc: anytime hun *helps joyce down* I'll see you two next time. stay on your feet dad.

chres: *fake smiles* I will.

We left and the  first few minutes of the ride were silent so I spoke.

me: alright.? You're quiet.

chres: I'm's just kinda hard to talk about how we broke up.

me: I don't mean to sound like a bitch but....we hae to try and get over eachother. Theres nothing left to hold on to *looks out the window in sorrow*

chres: *sigh* I guess you're right. But i still have a question. *parks car infront of joyce's house*

me: *low voice* yea

chres: are you over me? Because I can't let you go.

I just sat there and looked out the window. Ofcourse I'm not oer him. I love him and I can't let him go. I looked down in my lap and played with the ring on my finger. The ring he gave me in 7th grade. I love this ring. I've never lost it or misplaced it. It's always been in my secret box.

chres: look at me *lifts her chin up* look me in my eyes and tell me you're over me.

me: chres....I can't tell you I'm over you...but I'll just have to get over you *gets out of the car and walks in the house*

chres: *sighs hard*


I know she's not over me. It's impossible for us to just forget the love we had. I'm not gonna pressure her to take me back, she's pregnant. she can't handle all that stress. I really don't think any of this is the way it was supposed to be....I really don't




My "SUPPOSE TO BE " life (a CHRESANTO AUGUST Love Story) 2013 COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now