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There will be losts more chapters of this book. I'm not the type to put a book on hold unless I have to. NO this book ain't goin' on hold, I'm just sayin' that if ya'll want somethin' specific to happen....where da comments at? I have people telling me some things about what should happen...but I figure imma save dat and do THIS my way. Ain't nobody havin' babbies til' I write dat. Ain't no sequel til' dis is finish and ain't no stupid shit like: how bout they go on vacation and she get pregnant. Well, I'm not tryna be like people in their books. I already read about a girl named essence getting pregnant. Now don't get me wrong, the book is amazing, it's just that I'm not puttin dat in my book. I'm not da 1 to  copy cat. Although, I do know that as writers...alot of these stories will have alike chapters, and as writers we have great minds. This is not a note of me being bitter or stuvk in my ways but it is the truth. I'm just sayin'. I love to read and write but sometimes u gotta draw the line with these chapters. Not tryna copy nobody story. If this happens later on it's not that I'm copying you, it's just that we got da same concept sooo..there ya go. NEXT UPDATE IS TOMORROW. I know I'e made some promises about updating day after day and then saying I got lazy, but this is like urgent. I need to boost up my reader level. When I promise something imma keep dat promise cuz I prolly let some people down wit all dat promise shit. I'm just busy sometimes and I'm sure ya'll can understand that. I repeat NEXT UPDATE IS TOMORROW so get ready. This book will have 20 or more chapters so I'm looking forward to it. I also have some other books coming out so YAAAAAAAY!! I love doing this it makes my day. =) And yea I'm sure ya'll have noticed that the letter V keeps going missing lol well ion know wats wrong with my V. The letter v by da way.

-------------------------------------------------- lol see ya tomorrow--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


My "SUPPOSE TO BE " life (a CHRESANTO AUGUST Love Story) 2013 COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now