chapter 17: I'm okay I guess *sigh*

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I woke up to "HEELS BAGS" by qt jazz ft. babydoll playing on my alarm clock. I smacked it off the nightstand cuz ian feel like looking for the button. Wait! Why is my alarm clock set? There isn't anything important to do today.

me: MOM!!??

mom: yes??


mom: cuz you needa get up and come down for breakfast.

me: *sigh* OKAAY

I popped a mint in my mouth and rolled out of bed slowly. I put my slippers on and walked downstairs rubbing the sleep outta my eyes. I sat at the table and layed my head down.

mom: well?

me: well?

mom: so you wanna tell me wats wrong?

me: you know wats wrong u just want me to tell u

mom: aww baby..erbody go thru break-ups *hugs hber*

me: *about to cry on mom's shoulder* yea but mommaaaa this is different he kissed the school hoe.

mom: ok imma let dat slide cuz u hurtin' but I know how you feel..Did u know yo daddy was my first love?

me: *wipes tears* really?

mom: yup, and he kissed the head of the cheerleader squad. I hated that bitch so much more after that.

me: mom why?....I mean like was I so bad to him that he felt like kissing selena would be better?

mom: honey..I don't know..but there's no way she is better than you at anything. She ain't pretty,smart,nice,talented....if you count suckin' dick for a talent then..oh yea she talented *walks back to the stove*

me: *laughin* truu but momma it hurts more than ya know..more than ya know

WAAAAY more than she know cuz we had sex and everything. I love him. I refuse to say loved cuz that means the past and I'm really not thru with loving him yet. I relly do miss him but a niggas gotta learn. That was a fuckin' dirty thing to do I swear.

me: momma? I..I think I love chres.

She turned around and leaned up against the stove with her hands wrested on it and looked at me.

mom: you are...I see it in your eyes

me: wait *high pitch voice* wuuuuuuuut?

mom: *smiling* yup you're in love with him and he loves you too I don't know I guess it's a boy's natural instinct to kiss back when he's kissed.

me: momma dat ain't funny I'm hurting here be my support *motioning her to come here*

mom: *hugging her* awww I know babyy..and you'll get thru this cuz momma's gonna help ya

me: *smiling hard* don't say it like that.

mom: *pulls away smiling* lil girl go get ready for the cook out

me: wait hol up, wat!? dats today?

mom: yup *stiring grits*

me: *walking upstairs* ok well I'll be back in a minute.

I went upstairs and picked out some high waist shorts with the american flag print on one side and jean on the other with white spagetti strap t-shirt. I threw it on my bed then noticed my phone was ringing. It was chres.

me: of-fucking-course *answers it on speaker* wat u want?

chres: i'm so sorry baby,please forgive me-

me: *picks up phone and holds it to my mouth* ya know chres, saying ur "SORRY"..isn't gonna change anything. okay you've said alot of things to me including i love you...and I love you too but you gotta learn to keep ur promises bruh. ya know at else you told me? u told me you'd never hurt me remember dat?


me: yup, thought so *hangs up*

I threw the phone on the bed and got ready. Ian got time for his bullshit. Cuz if he was into that relationship as much as I was..he would've neva kissed her.


All of the family came over including some long time friends. Kierra came over but everytime I see her she's talking so I'll talk to her later. I poured some drink in my cup and sat at the table in the back by myself. I would go talk but I'm not in the mood. I'm so low, that even my favorit cousin ciara can't cheer me up. She's the oldest out of all my cousins she's 16. We get along relly well..kinda like sisters so I love it when she comes over. all we ever do is have fun. Aye there she go right there!

me: yo ciara!?

ciara: *sits down beside me* hey wassup

me: nothin' just chillin' *laughs*

ciara: *smilin* like a villain *laugh* how u been?

me: good I guess *looks at phone*

ciara: you okay?

me: come on

I grabbed her wrist and lead her up to my room. I shut the door and turned around to her.

me: I'm not okay..chres an I broke up

ciara: wut why?

me: *sigh and sits next to her* he kissed the school's eating me alive because I miss him holding me and it's only been a weekend.

ciara: *hugs her* awww j, did he apologize?

me: a million times but thats not the point, I want him to know that he was wrong no matter if she came onto him or not.

ciara: bout we just call him

me: sure call him..but I'm not talking

ciara: thats okay *calls him* hey chres

chres: umm hey ciara

ciara: I have a question for ya, why didn't you kick selena out as soon as she came in?

chres: *sigh* i tried but she wouldn't leave

ciara: I heard you're pretty strong, why didn't you just pick her up and throw her out?

chres: ...... I don't joyce there?

ciara: she's here..she just don't wanna talk to you

chres: I've apologized a million times..what else is there to say?

me: *face into my pillow* weally chwes?

chres: wat?

me: *sits up* really chres? theres nothing else to say but sorry? how bout saying that you know you were wrong and that you wish you would've just kicked her out, or maybe a simple I loe and need you would be good.

chres: baby please.... look, I know I was wrong and I do love you but if you don't forgive me it's gonna be like this forever and I don't wanna live without you.

me: I already forgave you I just need you to keep your promises from now on. That really hurt me but I can't live without you either *wiping tears and smiling* I miss you *circling the phone sreen with her finger*

chres: can I come see you now?

me: nope

Chres: what? Why?

Me: oh, *laughing* oh you thought I was that easy, HA did nigga trippin. Bye boy *hangs up*




My "SUPPOSE TO BE " life (a CHRESANTO AUGUST Love Story) 2013 COMPLETEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz