chapter 5: Back To Reality

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!!!!!!!!!! Monday Morning !!!!!!!!!!!!

I woke up to "Yo own thang" by Honey Cocaine playing on my alarm clock. Time for school, the worst thing about today. I got up and went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

me: I'm sexy in the morning

I know I'm silly but,might as well try to start to start today out right. I went into my closet and picked out a purple sleeveless shirt that says "ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A BOSS". I got out some pink flats and purple skinny jeans. After I showered, I changed and put on my clothes. Kiera & my mom were in the kitchen talking when I came down.

kiera: I think she is into him

mom: well, if she wants us to know she'll tell us

I eased back behind the wall so they wouldn't see me snooping.

kiera: chres is sexy for a 15 year old tho, so I don't blame her.

mom: believe me if I was younger I would be dating him.

kiera: ew mom that's nasty

mom: well you seem to think he's cute

kiera: but i'm 18, you're like old and stuff

mom: don't get slapped, I'm only 40

kiera: right , old

I can't believe they could just talk behind my back. I mean, it's perfectly fine to just ask me If I'm dating chres. Even though I am it's still okay to just ask.

me: *walks in* Goodmorning guys, what's good

kiera: nothing, I gotta question for you?

me: yea?

kiera: where do you download your music?


me: Music Monster

kiera: thanks, gotta go. I'm looking for apartments. *leaves *

me: mom why didn't you guys just ask me if I was into chres?

mom: you heard us? I mean what are you talking about?

me: C'mon mom

mom: *sigh* ok, I didn't think you wanted me to know so I didn't bother asking.

me: you're my mom. I didn,t want you to know, but I guess now you should know that I'm dating chres.

mom: wow that stung

me: why?

mom: because you didn't want me to know

me: that's only because everytime a new guy  comes around chase him off. Mom, this time I want  my relationship to be my own.

mom: wh- I just don't understand

me: mom, I gotta get to school. Bye

I grabbed a donut and rode my bike to school. The janitor ms.paula lets me hide my bike in her closet so I'm all good. When I got to school I saw a red Bugatti sitting outside. Who ever bought that must have some money! So anyways, I walked in and went to the lunch room. This is where all of my friends hang in the morning.

me: hey makayla

makayla: hey

me: hey nina 

nina: hey joyce

me: i got news for ya'll

m&nina; what is it?

me: me & chres are dating!

My "SUPPOSE TO BE " life (a CHRESANTO AUGUST Love Story) 2013 COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now