"Never stopped, but it's obviously a lost cause, we haven't genuinely spoken since we broke up. Only here and there about our daughter, I miss her so much, he hasn't let me see her in two years."

"Is it because of her?"

"He told me that Angel has a new mommy now, I cried for days. What kind of person does that to someone, yet I still love him through it all."

She begins to cry, so I pull her into my body and let her sob against me. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I see that my shift is over and realise that someone else will be coming in soon. Rubbing her back, I tell Lydia to wait for me while I run to the back to clock out. I return shortly after to see a now pink haired Sam walking into the store, a huge smile plastered on their face as they give us both a quick nod.

Raising an eyebrow at them, I question their unusually chipper attitude but they just keep on smiling as they head to the back. With a light chuckle and a quick shake of my head, I motion for Lydia to follow me. Because she took a cab to the shop, I decide that she's going to hitch a ride with me, forcing her to go wherever I go.

"Where are we going," she laughs, after I tell her to get her ass in the truck.

"The Hide Away, m'lady, where you get a grand performance by a lady in a sparkly purple dress," I smile as I climb into the driver seat.

Lydia sniggers at my overly posh accent, but doesn't say anything as we pull away from the record store. I'm glad to have a good friend back.

$ $ $ $ $

Hiding my hair under my hood and my face with the menu, I watch as Lisanna moves gracefully about the room and takes people's orders. She looks so pretty in her waitressing uniform, which I realise is quite on the short side, the shirt is low cut and the shorts are barely covering the bottom of her bum. (I can't believe she actually has me saying that word, never does she say butt or ass, always bum.) Lydia watches my eyes, and she looks to see what I'be been staring at for the last twenty minutes.

"I'm guessing that's your girl, that's Lisanna," she says, motioning with her head to the smiling girl.

"Yea, that's her," I reply wistfully, resting my elbows on the table, "but she never dresses like this, she's more modest than this."

Now both of us watch as she maneuvers about the room, slowly making her way over to our table. Lydia hides behind her menu as she approaches the table, and I roll my eyes as I pretend to look over it. I watch from the corner of my eye as Lisanna pulls out a notepad and pen, and puts on a smile that is obviously fake.

"Hello, I'm Lisanna and I'll be you server tonight, any questions about what's on the menu," she chirps, and I almost cringe at the fake happiness in her voice.

"Yea I've got a question, is your number on the menu," I smile up at her, setting my menu on the table to see her face completely.

She now has a genuine smile on her face as she slips the pen and paper back into her apron. Lydia only face palms at my attempt at flirting, which makes me laughs and gets Lisanna to look at her. Lisanna gives Lydia an inquisitive glare from the corner of her eyes, and then looks at me with a raised (accusing quite honestly) eyebrow. I whisper for her to be nice, and the twinkle of mischief tells me otherwise as she says she will. Tension crackles between the two as Lisanna introduces herself, and Lydia accepts her hand although it seems she would rather touch a live wire in water.

Both women are on the defense as they stare into each other's eyes, and I don't know if bringing Lydia here was a good idea. They're like battle cats squaring off with each other, ready to pounce on the other for whatever prize is at stake. Finally dropping her hand, Lisanna steps back and takes our orders for drinks and promises to return promptly. When Lisanna leaves, Lydia glares at me, her green eyes ablaze with anger.

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