Ch 2: To The Seventies

Start from the beginning

Clarity couldn't help her excitement as she smiled in amazement at the ship in front of her. The machine was a pure work of genius. It wasn't exactly a police box but it would do. Oddly enough  it looked a bit like a something in a dream she had when she was 13 but, that just made the ship even more brilliant to her. It was something straight out of a childhood fantasy.

"It's called the Waverider. It's been my ship for over a decade. Shall we?" Rip inquired the group before starting to walk over to the floating vessel.

Clarity glitched slightly her form rippling with electricity for a second as she took an excited step forward. She calmed her powers but she couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Sara rolled her eyes at Clarity's excitement, but started walking as well. Maybe this would be fun. The ship looked huge on the outside and Clarity couldn't wait to see the interior.

"Breathtaking." Clarity breathed her heels clicking as she walked on the grated silver hallway of the ship. She stuck out her right hand placing her palm on the wall and felt the strong surge of electricity flowing beneath it.

"Whoa" Ray said eyes wide completely blown away with wonder as he saw the interior for the first time.

"I bet it uses ionic propulsion" Ray chatted to Stein as he absentmindedly watched Clarity walk ahead of them.

Her pony tale swung left to right in a swish motion across her shoulders with each step she took. Her fingertips of her right hand gently gliding along the right wall of the ship as she felt the pure force of the energy underneath. It was calming and reassuring to the metahuman. She was in her element here and it helped her feel just the tiniest bit safer.

"I doubt that very much given the fact that even advanced technology wouldn't be able to sustain ionic reaction." Martin agued back as he surveyed the ship's interior as well.

"It's possible if you stable the quantum flux- We covered this before Professor Stein. Ya know, I was your student many moons ago. Perhaps you remember my paper on sub spaced steel mechanics?" Ray asked in an attempt to jog his memory.

"I don't remember you, Mr. Palmer" Stein stated. His blunt remark causing Clarity to cringe. No mercy. That had to hurt. To prove her assumption Ray let out a disappointed oh.

"Whatever you roofied him with I want some." Rory stated putting an arm around Stein as they all finally reached the bridge.

"I did not roofie him!" Stein protested.

"I ain't judgin'." Rory assured him hoping to nab whatever drugs this old man had to offer.

"Wow I have never seen anything like this before." Kendra gushed as she entered the hub Carter right on his soulmate's heels.

"Neither have I and considering that I have lived over 4000 years thats saying something" Carter said backing up his love's comment.

"How does a ship this size function without a crew?" Stein pondered aloud.

"Oh, I don't need one. I have Gideon." Rip explained to the group. As if on cue Gideons form appeared above the table in the center of the room. Her form appeared to be blueing color and greatly pixelated. Just as her counterpart in Star Labs was.

Clarity's eyes widened, her mind flashing back to Eobard Thawne's secret room that her and team Flash had discovered at Star Labs. It seemed Barry and herself had really covered all the bases with Gideon for her to be on a ship of an organization dedicated to protecting the time line.

"Welcome aboard. I am Gideon, an interactive artificial consciousness programmed to operate this vessel's critical systems and aid Captain Hunter in his mission." Gideon informed the now beyond gob smacked team.

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