Chpt. 21 An Explanation

Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah!" I nearly shouted. Sire turned his helm to look at me.

"What?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nothing to get suspicious about. Yeesh. Anyway. I actually wasn't in a coma for medical reasons." I said in a calm, yet chipper tone. Sire looked at me very confused.

"Explain," He said calmly.

"Well, when I fell unconscious it felt like I was physically falling. I fell into this liquid, which I later realized was energon, and treaded in the energon for a few minutes. I then felt something pulling me under. I couldn't fight it so I was dragged completely under the energon. I was about to lose consciousness when I heard you telling me to breathe. So. I did. I did end up passing out there and I woke up somewhere else. I actually woke up on Cybertron..." I continued to tell him all about my mom and the training she gave me. I saved the prophecy though. When I was done I looked up at him trying to read his faceplate to tell what he was thinking. I couldn't read anything so I looked at my feet. 

"Lava I-" He stopped and rethought what he was thinking. " I honestly don't know what to say. I just. I'm speechless. I'm glad that the reason that you were in a coma is because you were being trained. I don't know about you fighting though." He stopped and frowned in thought at that point. 

"There was also a prophecy she told me about. She said you and Optimus have heard it you have just likely forgotten." I stopped as I tried to think of how it started. 

"Well, what is it?" Sire prompted.

"One minute. I'm trying to remember how it started. Hmm..... Oh yeah that's how it went." I snapped my fingers, when I remembered, sat down, then started reciting.

Millennia from now

A hero shall rise

Though none shall bow

They are wise

Not from here

But after the fall

They will be near.

They are small

But not for long

For soon a power will rise

And fall along

The evil reprise

Heed this warning

The day will come

Our planet is dying

It will be done

Trust your friends

Try to make amends

Gather support

Make an effort

This will come distance times

And it's all true

Because it rhymes. 

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