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It was crowded, just as I suspected. I was on my way to the restroom when someone stopped me. It was a woman who looked to be in her thirties. "Hey Johanna, I have a mission for you." I gasped. "How do you know my name?" "I get around." The woman snickered.
"Anyways, my name is Ariel Smith. I work for the mayor and I have something important for you to do." I looked at her with curiousity. "Were you the one that sent me the text? And gave me the cookies?" Ariel looked confused. "Um..no. Not that I know of. Okay, so I need you to help me find a boy by the name of Samuel Gordon. Go to the file library if that helps. The files have info on everyone." I shook my head. Was she crazy?
"What about my mom?" "She knows that you were assigned to help the mayor. It's okay." I felt unsure, but I knew I'd be pretty bored being cooped up here for hours. Ariel stuck out her hand. "Do we have a deal?" I held out my hand. She shook it. "Deal."
Ariel smiled. "Okay, meet me back here with information at-" Ariel glanced at her smart watch. "Six." I started to walk down the empty halls that smelled of lemon cleaning supply. The hallways were long and winding. They were wide and had different twists and turns in case of an emergency. I didn't know where to go, but I knew what I was looking for: the directory
I finally found the directory after about twenty minutes of searching, which said that the file room wasn't too far from here. I was amazed when I walked into the room. There were files everywhere,arranged in many different orders. I was curious and couldn't help sneaking a peak at my own file.
Since photography used to be a hobby of mine, they had my picture published in a newspaper, along with my works. I'm surprised they still had this stuff, since society has become extremely indulged in technology. There were also pictures of my whole family, even before Dad left.
It took a while for me to browse all of the files. I'm sure it was an hour before I found Samuel Gordon's file. Apparently, Samuel was a crazy scientest that predicted the apocalypse and its outcomes. I found an article of his predictions and some of them were actually true now.
I gasped when I came across the next article. How could this be? The headline read,
The Johanna Simons Discovery.
It wasn't just any Johanna Simons. They had painted a picture that looked just like me!
But how?! The date on the article was 2016! That was years and decades before I was born!

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