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Part One: Famine

Sunlight streamed in through my window, casting shadows on the wall. I awoke to hear my mother and twin brother, Reed having a quiet discussion. A suspicious one, too. I tiptoed to the door to get a better listen on what they were saying.

"Nolan used to be a place with plentiful resources until the population increased. Now I'm worried. They're talking about it everywhere on the tv." Mom explained to Reed. I decided to walk out groggily, stretching and yawning as if I hadn't been eavesdropping. "Morning, hon. How'd ya sleep?" "Pretty good, actually." I responded.
I was curious to know what was going on, so I turned on the TV. A red warning banner flashed along the bottom: Warning! Emergency prodecures for famine. Food stored at the main mayor's location in town.
A famine? This is what this is about? "Turn that off." Mom commanded, flipping freshly made pancakes. "Whats going on?" I asked nonchalantly. "Famine." Reed responded tightly, sipping orange juice from the fridge. "Reed," Mom warned. Reed set his glass back into the fridge and slammed it shut.
"You can't hide from this mom, because once we run out of food, thats all you'll be talking about!" He threw his hands in the air. "And besides- look at what we have left! Does it look like much to you?!" Reed swung open the pantry door. "Stop this, Reed." Mom directed. "I want to be safe." Reed told her. "Fine." She responded tightly. "Joey, get all the food you can find and put it in these bags." She ordered to me. My name is Johanna, but everyone calls me Joey, or Jo.
I immediately start stuffing whatever's left into small bags. Reed's right about one thing. There isnt much. "Take this outside, Jo." Reed lifts a heavy plant into my arms.
I roll my eyes, but take the plant anyways. I walk outside the door, then gasp, nearly dropping the plant. Scrawled out letters in the dirt, clearly read:
The End Is Near.

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