Chapter 28: Hazel

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Hi! Presenting Chapter 28! 

I really wish you could dedicate a chapter to more than one person, because there are actually three people I want to dedicate this chapter to. EvilEspressoDrinks, for her really nice comment on chapter 26, and the support she's been giving me on this fanfic, OurLostSouls, for being awesome, and consistently giving really nice comments on practically every single chapter, which in my eyes is a wonderful thing, and PiperMclean343, for her really nice comment on chapter 27, that practically made me cry with joy.

Therefore, I will be dedicating this chapter to OurLostSouls, next chapter to EvilEspressoDrinks, and the next to PiperMclean343. Just wanted to give them credit for being awesome.

I also put a of where the Psychro caves are in Greece, just if you wanted to know...


Chapter 28: Hazel

Hazel was in shock. One minute she and Frank had been happily fooling around, the next minute, he was plummeting to his death because some hellhound popped up out of nowhere and pushed him off the ship!

Hazel screamed as Frank fell down towards the ground. At the last minute, though, he transformed into a bird, and soared up to the ship, landing safely on the deck. Hazel scolded herself for losing her head, when Frank obviously wasn't going to die. The hellhound wasn't so lucky. Looking over the railing, Hazel could see its crumpled form on the ground below.

"Sorry," Frank said sheepishly from behind her. Hazel spun around and threw her arms around him.

"First of all, you don't need to apologize for a hellhound," she told him sternly, " second of all, I'll have you know you scared half to death!"

"Yeah, you know, Zhang, that wasn't a good start. Anymore stunts like that, and Hazel here's gonna have a heart attack," Leo said cheerily. Hazel burst out laughing. She couldn't help it. It was just the kind of thing Sammy would have said to make her crack up...

"What's so funny?" Jason had finally made an appearance, "and why isn't the ship moving anymore?"

Leo rolled his eyes, and Hazel had to suppress another laugh, as he said, "Sorry, we broke down, now it's gonna take three days to fix the ship. Duh, we arrived at Crete! I'm landing us at a small park nearby, and then we can come up with a plan,"

"What plan do we need to come up with?" grumbled Coach Hedge, "we sneak in, bust open some heads, grab the sword, and get out! How hard can it be?"

Now it was Hazel's turn to roll her eyes, "Fine, you can carry out your kamikaze attack, while the rest of us will come up with a plan that won't get everyone killed!"

Leo landed the ship on a grassy field close to the entrance to the Psychro caves, and they all dismounted he ship. Hazel blinked in the bright sunlight; she had spent so much time cooped up inside the ship. She started walking, but suddenly felt dizzy. Her head spun, and she staggered a couple steps backwards into the hull of the ship.

"What the heck?" she muttered. She tried to take a step again, but the world tilted around around her and she collapsed onto the ground. She looked at the others.

Jason and Frank were staggering around like a couple of drunkards, and Leo was on the ground too, his eyes out of focus. Only Nico and Coach Hedge looked normal.

Hazel felt like a huge weight had settled on her shoulders. She mustered her strength, and rose again, clutching at a nearby tree for support. Stars swam before her, and she could feel the beginnings of a headache.

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