Chapter 13: Jason

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Well, we're back to Jason! I was pretty fast with this chapter too, huh?

Disclaimer: I think I've made it pretty clear by now PJO and HoO belong to Uncle Rick


                     Chapter 13: Jason

              When Jason woke up, the first thing he processed was the intense pain in his left shoulder. His head throbbed as well, and it took all his willpower not to scream. He squeezed his eyes shut tight, and took deep breaths. He would not pass out again. After a couple minutes the pain subsided slightly, and he was able to think more clearly. 

                Jason opened his eyes again and his vision cleared. He was lying in a small, windowless room, completely bare except for the small cot he was lying in. Looking across the room, he saw that the door was barred.

                 Where was he? Not on the Argo II, that was certain. The last thing he remembered...

                 Then it came rushing back. Leo had been about to be killed. Jason had taken the sword instead. He remembered Momus standing over him, smiling cruelly, and then...darkness. Jason felt a stab of horror. That meant that he had been captured by Gaea, and was probably in some sort of jail cell. Jason shuddered. He didn't like to think what would be done to him. And if anyone else had been captured too...

                    Jason suddenly became aware of shouts outside his door. His heart rate quickened. Maybe if he could listen he could glean some information about where exactly he was. Jason clambered out of the cot, but as soon as he stood up, his knees buckled. He tried to stand again, but his legs just wouldn't support him. Fine. He hauled himself across the room, trying to ignore screams of protest from his shoulder, and pressed his ear to the door.

                    Through the door, Jason could hear growling voices that were growing louder every minute.

                       One deep voice was saying, "Come on, let her have her way," 

                            "She is pretty," another stated. 

                           "No! You idiots! We have our orders," a third snarled.

                        "I need to be moved to another cell, please. I'm wounded, and tired, and it's not that much to ask," a girl's voice said. With a jolt of fear, Jason realized it was Pipers voice. His heart sank. So she had been captured, and even wounded as well. The voices came closer.

                         "Come on, JB, the girl's right, it's not much to ask," the first one said.

                         "But Skulleater, we were ordered to keep her in that specific cell," 'JB' said, though he sounded uncertain. They really had some weird names.

                        "Look, how about this cell, you can just dump me here," Piper said.

                        "She is pretty," the second voice insisted.

                     "Already someone in there," Skulleater grunted, "Some demigod son of Jupiter," Jason breath caught in his throat. He now understood what Piper was trying to do. She somehow knew that he had been captured as well, and wanted to be in the same cell as him, so they could be together.

                    "That's absolutely fine," Piper replied, every syllable positively dripping with charmspeak, "I hate sons of Jupiter, but I'm willing to put up with him. I want to be put into this cell,"

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