Chapter 12: Leo

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               Well, I'm back, and I tried to update as fast as possible, so enjoy!


                Chapter 12: Leo

          Normally Leo's 'plans' either stunk, or were so crazy no one was willing to attempt them. According to Piper, this particular plan fell in the second category.

                  As Leo glided through the air on Frank, who had reluctantly agreed to transform into an eagle big enough for Jason and him to sit on, Leo could hear Jason muttering behind him, "This is a bad idea, this is crazy..." and other confidence-boosting stuff like that. A few seconds later, he heard Jason give a cry of surprise.

                 "Try to keep it down, will you? We're only trying to sneak up on a dragon twice the size of our ship!" Leo hissed at Jason.

                "That's just it - the ship - it's gone!" said Jason in a kind of strangled whisper.

                Leo rolled his eyes, "Did you listen to anything I said? I installed a device into the ship that bends sunlight or moonlight around it, making it invisible,"

                "Leo -" Jason began, but Leo cut him off.

                "Yeah, I know what you're gonna say - it's incredible, how did I do it, blah blah blah, but hey, I'm just that awesome,"

                 Jason gave him one of his are-you-kidding-me looks, but Leo decided to take it as a vote of confidence.

                 After a couple more minutes, Leo was able to make out the gigantic shape of the Colchian dragon about twenty feet in front of them. Man, that thing was huge. Leo reached into the sack he had brought, and took out 5 spheres, as well as the control sphere. Thanks to the camoflauge covering he had put, they turned black, blending perfectly in with the dark night, instead of glowing as celestial bronze tended to do.

                "So what do you want me to do?" Jason muttered to him.

               "Oh, um - you can - uh - keep watch for any other attackers," Leo said, trying to make it sound very important. To tell the truth, Leo had only really brought Jason along because he had wanted some company. That dragon freaked him out a whole lot more than he let on.

              "Thanks, I feel so important," Jason grumbled. 

              Just as Leo was about to release the spheres, he heard another voice.

            "Where in Hades is that sorry excuse for a ship?" it was Enyo.

            Leo's stomach twisted into a knot. So Enyo and probably Momus were on the dragon too. This could be harder than he thought. He had to work quickly.

            With the press of a button, launched the five small spheres into the air. They immediately sprouted helicopter blades and whizzed over to the dragon, surrounding it.

            "That is so cool," he heard Jason breath behind him.

              Leo flashed him a grin, "It's about to get way better,"

              "I don't know," Jason mumbled, "Whenever you grin like that, bad things happen," 

            Leo tried to ignore that last comment. Partly because it was true.

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