Chapter 15: Percy

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Okay, for once I have nothing to say.


Chapter 15: Percy

Running for his life from a horde of monsters, Percy probably should have been thinking about how he was about to die, but all he could really think about were the horrible dreams he had had.

They hadn't been normal demigod dreams (if demigod dreams could be called normal), but instead horrible nightmares punctuated by Gaea's voice, taunting him. Percy had to admit, she was pretty good at tormenting him with visions of exactly the things that were most torturous to him. She had apparently discovered his fatal flaw, because Percy had seen pretty much everyone he cared about, from his mom, to his pet hellhound Mrs. O'Leary being killed in awful ways at some point or another. The worst part was that each time he perceived that somehow these deaths were his fault. Several times Annabeth had appeared, lost and calling out his name, her face fearful and in pain. It was even worse than seeing her dead (which he had seen towards the end). Finally he had seen Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter burning, and could hear Gaea's voice crooning,

Give up, little hero, there is nothing for you here but pain, loss, and death. Give up, all fighting is futile

Percy didn't trust Gaea, of course, but he couldn't help but wonder if she was sending him another message. Maybe...just maybe, his fatal flaw would be put to the test at some point. Whatever Annabeth might say, he wasn't stupid. He realized that someone would have to stay behind to close the Doors of Death, and of course he meant it to be him, but what if he had to let one of his friends stay behind instead of him? Could he do it?

Percy was so engrossed in his thoughts, that as he thundered on (he had no idea where he and Annabeth were running too, just away from the monsters), he failed to hear the whizzing sound behind him, or Annabeth's scream. Next thing he knew, he lying on the ground, two arrows embedded in his back, and thigh.

"Percy!" Annabeth screamed.

"Well, this sucks," Percy moaned, "You'd better go, Wise Girl, I'll be fine," Yeah right, he thought, I'm gonna be anything but fine.

"No," Annabeth said stubbornly. This was getting ridiculous.

"Please, Annabeth, just-" Percy began, but Annabeth interrupted,

"No, Seaweed Brain, look, all the monsters are - gone,"

"What? How do fifty monsters just disappear?" asked Percy incredulously, trying not to black out from the pain.

"I think Lycia killed them all," Annabeth said in a low voice,"but I can't see her," Percy couldn't say anything. The pain was getting worse now. Then suddenly, a huge black shape loomed up from behind Annabeth. As it came closer, Percy could see the horns on the top of it's head, the familiar axe in it's hands, it's furry was the Minotaur.

Percy tried to say Annabeth! Minotaur behind you! It would be great if you could just turn around! but all that came out was, " A-a-a-annab-b-beth, m-m-m-m," it was like he couldn't control what he was saying, the pain was so bad.

"Percy? Are you okay?" Annabeth face palmed, "I'm stupid, of course you're not okay, but just hang in there, Lycia will be here soon, and she has ambrosia and nectar,"

And then the axe came down.

All at once, time seemed to slow down for Percy. He felt as if all his horrible dreams were flashing before his eyes. He could see the vision of Annabeth on the ground, blood leaking from her, could hear Gaea's laughs...and then he knew what he had to do.

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