Chapter 27: Frank

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Hooray, an update! I can't believe I've made it as far as Chapter 27!

Hope you enjoy it!


           Chapter 27: Frank

       Frank felt like he was about to explode with anger, and that didn't happen very often. That sorry excuse for a Goddess had attacked their ship, rained snow and hail on them, and had the nerve to impale Hazel with an icicle the size of her cavalry sword. No one, no one messed with Hazel without having to answer to Frank. He rushed out from the magic icebox he had been cowering behind to Hazel. Thankfully the icicles flying everywhere had stopped.

        Hazel was thrashing around, blood soaking her shirt. Frank knelt next to her, and examined the wound. 

         Too late, he realized the problem with Hazel having an icicle buried inside her. Icicles were cold. Freezing. Meaning that it was probably freezing her internal organs and blood circulation at that moment.

          "Hazel," Frank said softly, "I'm going to have to pull this out. It's going to hurt. A lot..."

         "Frank..." she groaned, "please,"

         "I have no choice," he said preparing himself for the agonizing screams sure to follow, "you have to - "

           "No, " she interrupted, "take me..." she panted, coughing up blood, "take me to Leo. He'll melt the ice," 

           "Uh, okay," Frank said, trying to ignore the fact that her pulse was growing weaker and weaker. She couldn't hold on for much longer. Nico materialized at his side,

           "I'll take Hazel," he said, his intense eyes boring into Frank, "you go help Jason,"

           "But - "


           Frank stumbled backwards, and, screwing up his concentration, transformed into an eagle. His vision instantly became a hundred times sharper, as he soared towards Jason and Khione ahead.

          Both of them were in their own personal storms. Snow and hail swirled around Khione, while lightning flashed and thunder rumbled around Jason. It was terrifying to see, as his blade flashed through the dark clouds, channeling lightning at Khione.

        Except Jason was losing. Khione's two blades of ice moved faster than the eye could follow, and at the same time, she kept hurling icicles at Jason for him to dodge. And then there was the fact that fighting a goddess when you were constantly being blinded with snow was no easy task. Frank gritted his teeth. As Khione slashed at Jason's arm, opening up a deep gash.

      He concentrated, and transformed again. He could feel himself growing, his wings elongating, muscles rippling through his body.

       He was a dragon.

       Frank roared at Khione, trying to get her attention away from Jason. The good news was, it worked. The bad news was, suddenly there was a storm of icicles flying at him.

       Thankfully, his dragon scales were like plates of armour, so most of them bounced off, though a few lodged in his wings. Jason was smiling, which was good, though Khione looked murderous.

        Frank roared again, and let loose a torrent of fire at Khione. She screamed and dove for cover. 

        Not fast enough though. On of the sparks caught her long, silky black hair, and suddenly Khione's head was wreathed in flames, that were quickly quenched with a mini snowstorm.

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