Chapter 10: Annabeth

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Disclaimer: You know the drill.


              Chapter 10: Annabeth

            For once, Annabeth was hoping just a little that she would have some dreams. Normally, the nightmares were so horrible that she wished she could just invent an anti-dream hat, but she was hoping that one of her dreams would show her what was going with her friends. 

                   She got her wish. As soon as she closed her eyes, she was plunged into a whirl of color and sound, that solidified into a room that Annabeth was very familiar with. The mess hall of the Argo II. All of her friends were sitting around the table, looking either worried, stressed, or miserable. But at least none of them were hurt. As she watched, Piper recited a prophecy for everyone. Annabeth shivered. It was a horrible prophecy. Especially the second line that apparently predicted Leo's death.

                   Everyone was looking at Leo. Then Jason spoke,

              "Look, I think first we should start at the beginning. Maybe that will make some of the lines clearer. Hazel, why don't you start". Annabeth's heart rate quickened...surely nothing horrible had happened already.

              Hazel told her part of what happened, and Annabeth couldn't believe it. If two gods could possess them in the Argo II, who knew what might be in store for Annabeth and Percy? As Hazel finished her part of the story, Everything began to whirl around. Then it all straightened out, and Annabeth realized she was in Manhatten, in a park she didn't recognize. Standing in front of her was Octavian, whose back was to her, and Reyna.

                Octavian was hurling accusations at Reyna, 

                  "Allied with the Greeks..."

                  "Plotting the downfall of Rome..."

                "A spy for Gaea..."

            "They were just giving a message Octavian," Reyna shouted, but from her position, Annabeth could see something that Reyna could not, and her heart skipped a beat. Octavian was hiding a small silver dagger behind his back.    

              Reyna stepped forward,

              "Octavian, I know how we can stop this fight," she said sternly, "I have found out the real reason that the Greeks "attacked us", and if you would just listen to me-"

            "Never!!!" Octavian shrieked, his face beginning to turn purple, "Your tongue is poisoned, and you are trying to bewitch me with your lies! Now, you will allow me to bind you and you will be escorted back to the rest of the Romans and given a trial."

             "No," Reyna said, drawing herself up to full height, "I am a praetor of Rome, Octavian, and I will not be treated like a criminal. If you just let me speak to everyone, you would realize I'm telling the truth and would let me explain."

               Octavian appeared to calm himself. He took a deep breath and said,

               "You are no praetor, you are a traitor of Rome. And if you won't come quietly...I hate to do this Reyna...No choice...," He seemed to be trying to convince himself of something. Behind his back, the hand holding the knife twitched. Annabeth's breath caught in her throat. She tried to rush forward and warn Reyna, but she couldn't move or talk.

               Reyna looked a bit confused and her eyes narrowed,

                "Whatever you're about to do, Octavian, it's a bad idea,"

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