Chapter 8: Hazel

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        Hi guys, please just pretend that there's an Author's Note here, because I can't think of anything to say right now.

           Hope you enjoy this chapter!


           Chapter 8: Hazel  

            When Hazel woke up, Leo was still apologizing.

           "It really was complete accident," he wailed, "By mistake I twisted the sphere so that as the wires were retracting they hit Hazel, but I didn't mean to shock her!"

          "Yeah, we get that it wasn't your fault, but is Hazel going to be okay?" asked Nico, who wa sitting on one of the other beds in the infirmary with Jason and Leo, looking very worried. Evidently they hadn't realized that she had woken up.

         "I'm fine," she said, sitting up, which hurt so much that she fell back down again, "I feel like I've been hit repeatedly with a bunch of baseball bats, but I'm otherwise okay. But forget about me, are Frank and Piper alright? They were the ones that got possessed by crazy gods."

          She was surprised how Leo could look so miserable, ashamed, and relieved at the same time, especially seeing how he had saved her, Piper, and Frank. But what surprised her even more was when Leo walked over to her bed and hugged her tight. 

           "Hazel, you - you could have died from that shock," he said in a muffled voice, "I'm so sorry. With Piper and Frank, the gods possessing them got shocked into leaving their bodies, but you took the full blast of it." When he withdrew, Hazel was startled to see that his cheeks were slightly pink, but though being hugged by Leo had been nice, it felt a bit strange, and brought back old memories. It also made her feel guilty when she thought of Frank.

         Jason looked as if he were trying hard to suppress a laugh, but Nico still looked somber.

        "We need Frank and Piper to wake up and tell us about those gods possessing them," he muttered, "This isn't good. Eidolons are one thing. Actual gods possessing doesn't matter that they were minor gods, Piper and Frank should have been reduced to ashes. And anyways, minor gods shouldn't be able to possess people- unless Gaea gave them some sort of powers which is extremely unlikely, so therefore- but no, that makes no sense- but then there are no other possibilities except..."

         "He's been going on like this for a pretty long time," said Jason with a grin, as he caught sight of Hazel's bemused face.

         "Well you shouldn't be taking this so lightly," said Nico, who looked slightly hurt, "We really need to talk. This is actually very important. In fact, two nights ago, I had this weird dream from my dad, and he told me-"

          But what exactly Hades had told Nico, Hazel never found out, for at that moment, Piper screamed, and jumped out of her bed. Jason caught her as she fell over, and guided her back into bed. Piper eyes were wild and scared, and her face was deathly pale.

         "Pipes, are you okay?" Jason asked

      "Horrible dream," she muttered, "possessed...pain....Camp" Piper seemed unable to string more than two words together. She saw Jason in front of her, her face contorted into a snarl, and her eyes glowed red again for a second. she lunged him, screaming, "Your fault! It was all your fault!"

          Hazel somehow found the strength to get out of her bed, and she rushed over to Piper and dragged her off Jason. Piper turned on Hazel, and Hazel saw that her eyes were furious, full of hate, and definitely not Piper's eyes. She drew her knife that was still hanging from her side and tried to stab Hazel with it, but at that moment Coach Hedge rushed into the room, for some reason carrying his dinner. When he saw what Piper was doing to Hazel he did the natural thing; he yelled, "DIE!!" and threw his dinner at Piper, which hit her full in the face. Hazel then took advantage of her disorientation and slapped her hard in the face. That brought Piper back to earth. Her face cleared of anger and morphed into an expression of horror as she took in the fact that her knife was a couple of inches from Hazel's neck. 

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