These Are My Confessions (19): Final Chapter

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The door opened a little letting in a bright light that stung my eyes and body.

"Get the hell up." Aiyden barked at me. I scooted further into the corner that I became accustomed to. "I don't have time for this shit." He walked over to me and dragged me by the ankle like some child.

"Aiyden stop!" I screamed from the pain. He picked up and put me in a bath tub full of hot water. I bit my lip from the intensity. If this wasn't hell then I don't know what is. He sat on the toilet with a blank expression on his face. His once smooth skin was now scruffy. He wreaked of cheap alcohol. He went into the cabinet and handed me a towel.

"Clean yourself." He said taking a swig from a bottle. I took it and began cleansing myself. I could feel his intensely staring at me. I felt disgusted, just being in his presence. Silent tears fell from my eyes. "Get up." He demanded. I got up from the tub. He had a beach towel already in his hands. He picked me up and carried me into what I'm guessing is his room. When he sat me down curled up into the corner of the bed. He handed me a large shirt and a pair of new panties. Then sat next to me. He ran his fingers through my brittle hair. "You're so beautiful Robyn." I shuddered away from his touch.

"Don't touch me."

"Ro please don't be mad at me I love you baby. I'm trying for us, can't you see all of this is for us." He smashed his lips against mine. I pushed him away from me then slapped him across the face. He touched his face, looking at the blood coming from his nose. Instantly regret doing that. The whole room became cold as his I watched his demeanor changed within seconds. He grabbed me by my neck.


"You must really like when I hurt you." I tried to pry his hands off of me but it only made it worst. He threw me against the bed causing me to hit my head in the process. I saw his body hover over me as I zoned in and out of consciousness.

I looked down at the blood leaking between my legs. I slowly tried to get up but, I couldn't. The pain was too unbearable. He laid beside me on the bed. I can't believe I let myself get wrapped up in this shit. Never in a million years would I've thought I would fall victim to a man. I went into the closet and grabbed his gun from the shoe box. I heard a slight shuffle coming from the bed. His breath then evened out indicating he was still sleep. A sigh of relief washed over my body.

I went into the bathroom taking the piece of paper and pen that I hid underneath the trash can. Hot tears rushed from down my face as I wrote the letter. I prayed that whoever finds this will give it to my family. I heard the door unlock and I feared for my life.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Aiyden barked.

"Going to the bathroom." I cried out. He walked up to me then grabbed my wrist.

"I think you are trying to leave me."

"No baby I swear."

"This is the last time you're going to be doing this shit. I love you too much to let you run over me." He slapped me then threw me against the wall. I tried to fight back by kicking him in the balls but, I missed.

"You tried to hit me bitch." He dragged me by the hair into our bedroom. I could feel my hair being pulled from my scalp.

"Aiyden stop." He threw onto the bed and started chocking me. My vision became blurry as I tried to pry his hands off me. With the little strength I had I took the gun from my shorts. I pulled the trigger making a ring fill the room. He got up from the bed and started feeling his body. He looked over at my body and saw blood leaking from me. I could flashes of pictures go through my mind. I smiled to myself as a tear rolled down my face. I'm finally free.

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