These Are My Confessions (15):

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Today was the first day that Aiyden would stop by to take his medicine. That is my only request from him if we are going to remain friends. I waited for him on the couch as I was flipping through channels to see if anything good is on. The door bell rung and I got up to answer it. Aiyden was standing at the door looking extra good. He had on a dark blue Canali suit, VVS cuff links, Audemars Piguet watch, Cartier studs with Versace dress shoes. He walked into the house.

"Hey beautiful." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Hey." I pulled away while quickly taking in his scent. He went over to the couch leaning against.

"I got you something." I raised my eye brow at him. He went into his pocket grabbing a ticket. He handed it to me. I scanned over it and it was a trip to New York in a couple days. "I want you to still come on this business trip with me and if you do I promise that I will make it memorable."

"I'll think about it no promises though." He grabbed my hands running his thumbs over it. I knew exactly what he was doing. He pulled me closer to him so that his body was towering over mine.

"I need an answer soon."

"I promise you will." I let go of his hands. "Let me go get your stuff." I went over to the cabinet grabbing his stuff. I handed him the two pills.

"May I have some water?"

"Sure." I went back into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. I handed it to him watching him chug everything down. "Open."

"Chill Robyn I ain't no little kid."

"If we are going to have a friendship I need to be able to trust you. Now open your mouth." He did as requested and there was no pill.

"Do you believe me now ma?"

"Yeah whatever now get out, I have things to do."

"I can't believe you gonna treat me like some side nigga. I see how it is."

"You know I got love for you don't play." He grabbed my hand.

"So you love me?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Just a little." I said pinching my fingers together.

"No a lot."

"Yeah whatever don't let that go to your head." We both started laughing. After our fit died down I could his eyes linger with mine. I looked over at the door. "I really need to get going but, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, same time. Walk me out." I grabbed his hand leading him to the door. "Bye."

"Bye." I watched as his car left the driveway making sure he made it out the neighborhood safely. I went into my closet pulling out some shorts a loose fitting tank top with red sneakers that had spikes on the side. I put on the clothes then applied on light make up. I let my hair remain in its now wavy untamed state. I grabbed my phones and keys then went to my car. I decided to go to our favorite restaurant before going to Ty's house. I knocked on the door waiting for him to answer. When he opened the door I immediately embraced him. I genuinely miss him, he is the only light I feel that I have. I could feel his hand run through my hair as he held me tight.

"Robyn are you ok?"

"No and I realized why. I know it took me a while but, I realized that what we have is special. I love you Tyler and I'm not talking about in a best friend sort of way."

"I'm not going to be a rebound ma. If you just jumping into something because you don't want to be alone then I'm sorry I have to decline."

"Ty I promise you I'm serious. Seeing you with that girl did something to me and that's when I realized it's for real. When I was in the hospital you were the first person I wanted to call. When major things happened for me you were the first I wanted to call."

"What happened ole boy?" I let out a sigh.

"I still talk to Aiyden but, I told him I want to be friends and he understands that. I promise you that this is where I want to be."

"T come on the popcorn is ready." Ariel wrapped her arms around his naked torso the placed a kiss on his neck. "Hey Robyn right?"

"Yeah I'm sorry for being intrusive, I thought he was the only one here. I'm going to go now."

"No stay, we can watch movies together plus I want to learn all about you."

"Actually I have to go. Thanks for the offer though."

"Awe that's too bad." She pouted. I gave her a fake smile. I looked over at Tyler who held an emotionless expression.

"Bye." I walked down the drive way. When I got home I turned off the car feeling tears run down my face. I wiped them away before going into the house. I went into the back to change out my clothes when there was knocking followed by the ringing of the doorbell. I grabbed a knife from the wood block. As soon as I opened the door I was pushed against the wall with his mouth moving in sync with mine. I was taken aback when he released my lips, biting on the bottom in the process.

"I can't tell you how long I've been wanting you realize this." Ty said holding my waist.

"I'm apologize for the wait." 

Go read Battle Scars and tell me what you think! Is it something that you would be interested in reading once this book ends? Like and comment please.

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