These Are My Confessions (4):

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It's been almost two weeks since I've heard from Aiyden. I don't understand why because, I thought we had an amazing time together. Maybe I came on a little strong. Whatever it was it's been throwing me off my game. I can't seem to function correctly without thinking about him.

I walked through my office with a bunch of eyes on me. I felt extremely uncomfortable but I wouldn't let it show. I walked over to my assistance desk.

"Hey Moni." I greeted.

"Good morning boo." She had a big goofy grin on her face.

"What's up? Why is everyone staring at me today?"
"Go in your office and find out." I walked into my office which was filled with vases of white roses. I walked up to my desk that had a note attached to it along with the newest book by my favorite author. I picked up the note.

'I'm sorry that I have not called you since our date. I've been busy lately but doesn't make up for what I did. If you would allow me I would love to take you out again tomorrow night around eight. Hope I get a chance to see your beautiful face again. –Aiyden'

I took one of the flowers inhaling the scent. I grabbed my phone from my purse.

"How did you know I loved white roses?" I texted him. I immediately got a text back.

"I do my homework."

"And the book?"

"Lucky guess."

"Mh lol."
"So dinner?" I looked at the text and pondered my next move. I waited five minutes before texting him back.

"It's a date." I placed my phone on the desk.

"I see someone has an admirer." My father spoke.

"Hey daddy." I gave him a hug.

"How is my favorite little worker?"

"I'm good, trying to make you proud."

"I'm always proud of you princess."

"I appreciate that. How are you and mommy?"

"We are both fine. She misses you though you should really stop by."

"I will when I have time." He let out a deep sigh.

"The reason I came over here is to let you know that I will be retiring soon and I'm going to need someone to run this law firm. I think that person should be you."

"Oh my... are you serious?" I shrieked.
"Congratulations baby you've earned it. Now I'm not leaving anytime soon but, I want you to know that I see your efforts."

"I promise I won't let you down."

"Good, your mother is throwing a dinner for the family and I want you there."

"I'll be there." I hugged him.

"Alright princess." He kissed the top of my head before leaving. I went out into Monica's office.

"Did you hear the good news?" I smirked.

"Yes girl congrats! We need to celebrate."

"Grab your stuff we are going out to lunch." She packed up her office then we headed to this bar across town. There weren't that many people so we could relax. We ordered our drinks then sat down at of the tables.

"Who is the person that gave you all those flowers?"

"Remember the guy I went out with a couple weeks ago?" She nodded her head. "It was him."

"I guess he came back to try to get the cookie."

"Well he's going have to keep waiting because he ain't getting it any time soon."

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