These Are My Confessions (2):

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I entered my office to find it already unlocked. I thought it was strange but, thought against it because I figured that I must have been in a rush and forgot. I straighten out my black pencil and applied a little bit of red lipstick before sitting down. As I was reviewing my files for my case there was a knock on the door.

"Robyn?" Monica walked in closing the door behind her. I turned around in my chair giving her my undivided attention.

"Your four o'clock is here and he is so fine girl!"

"You are crazy. Send him in though." I giggled.

"I'm telling you. He makes me want to leave Darnell broke ass and get with him."

"Now let's be real we both know you ain't leaving."

"I know that's my baby but, a girl can dream."

"Good bye Moni." There was another knock at my door. I started to put the rest of my work to the side.

"Come in." The door slowly creaked open. The smell of Calvin Klein filled the room. Whoever the person was has expensive taste.

"Ms. Jackson." I heard the strong base in his voice. I got up and straightened my skirt out. Our eyes met and it was Aiyden.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Kingston." I extended my hand and he shook it.

"Like wise." He held my hand for what seem like eternity. I cleared my throat and he released it. We sat down at my desk in the corner of my office.

"What can I help with?"                                      

"As you know I own multiple companies. I need to make sure that all my investments and assets will be protected. I don't need anybody to steal what I've worked hard for."

"I completely understand. There are just a few questions that we need to go over before I draw up the contracts."

"Ok." I walked back over to my table and grabbed the necessary paper work.

"Ready?" He nodded his head.

"First off do you have any family?"

"I have a younger brother and an older sister." I jotted down the information.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty three."

"What kind of business do you own?" He sat back in his chair. He licked his lips slowly and I couldn't help but, to stare. I quickly averted my eyes back to his.

"I own a multimedia company along with many other things." I looked back down at the paper.

"Last question. Are you married or in a relationship?" I felt his gaze roam my body. I felt a little uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. He ran his hand over his goatee.

"No... I'm not married or seeing anyone." A feeling of relief ran over me.

"Well it looks like for the most part you are in the clear. I will draw up something and will contact you." I got up from my chair and shook his hand. I was going to walk back to my desk when he grabbed me by arm.

"Since we got business out the way it's my turn to ask you some questions." I sat on top of my personal desk as he sat in the chair in front of me.

"How old are you?" I wrapped my arms around my chest.

"I'm twenty one." He nodded his head taking in the information.

"What about siblings?"

"I have an older sister."

"Are seeing anyone?" I felt my face to blush.


"Last question." I nodded. His eyes roamed over my body again. I crossed my legs trying to calm myself down. He got up from the chair and placed his hand on my leg. He leaned in so that are faces were inches apart.

"Do I make you nervous?" I looked him in his eyes.

"No." He backed away from me. He walked to the door.

"You know for a lawyer you're a horrible liar. It's cute though." When he left the room I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I collected myself then headed to the front desk.

"Did I get any messages?" I asked Monica.

"You have two. One about your case in a couple of days and another from your mom."

"Thank you." I went back into my office and did some paper work. I was rolling around eight thirty and it was about time that I got home. I grabbed my laptop and my purse along with the other things that I was working on. I walked into the parking lot with my keys in hand. As I started my car I noticed that I needed some gas. I pulled up to a gas station not far from my house. As I was pumping my gas I felt something metal press against my head.

"Give me your keys!" The man yelled.

"Please sir don't do this." I cried.

"Bitch give me the keys." I slowly turned around facing the man. He was about six three and about two hundred pounds. He had long dreads that were pulled back. He was light skinned with tattoos covering his arms. I handed him the keys to my car.

"I want the jewelry too." He barked at me. I slowly reached for my watch.

"Do we have problem?" I felt a pair of hands wrap around my body.

"Nah King. Thi-this your girl?" He stuttered.

"I believe that you have her stuff." He handed back my keys.

"I'm sorry King it won't happen again." Aiyden gave him this look before the man took off.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine now." I heard a clicking noise indicating that my car was full of gas.

"Well just to make sure that you're safe I'm going to follow you home."

"No you don't have to I should be fine."  He put his hand up and hopped in his car. A few seconds later he pulled up behind my Mercedes. I got in and proceeded on my way home. Once I got there I parked on the driveway and got out. I walked up to his window as he rolled it down.

"Thank you for saving me tonight."

"No problem." I got up from the window and started to make my way toward the front door when he called me.

"I was wondering if you want to go to dinner with me tomorrow."

"I would love to."

"I'll pick you up at seven."

"Sounds perfect." I walked back up to the driveway. I turned around to see his car still parked there. As soon as my door unlocked he drove off. Tonight he was my knight and shining armor. I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.

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