These Are My Confessions (10):

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I sat at my vanity mirror putting on my diamond earrings that he bought me as an apology present.

"You ready?" He asked with an irritated look on his face. He reached out his arm and grabbed it careful not to step on my black halter v-neck mermaid fringe Celebrity Evening Gown Prom Dress. I nodded my head grabbing the end of my dress careful not to rip it. Tonight my job was to be his 'trophy' for his event tonight. If everything goes smoothly there will be a huge merger with Hot Vibes media and his company. We drove in silence the whole entire ride. As we were beginning to pull up he grabs my hand. "You better not embrace me tonight or that's your ass." I nodded my head as one of the valets came and open my door.

"Thank you." Aiyden put his hand on the small of my back guiding me into the room. Everything looked stunning and expensive.

"I'm going to go mingle." I nodded my head making my way toward the bar.

"Can I have apple crown, straight." I gave the guy my ticket.

"I didn't know females liked brown liquor." I heard a guy say next to me.

"I'm not most females." I took the shot shooting it straight back.

"I can see." I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"I guess you two have already met." Aiyden deep voice said.

"Not officially."

"Babe this is Logan Summer president of Hot Vibes Media. Logan this is my beautiful girlfriend Robyn Jackson." Logan reached out and grabbed my hand to shake. I quickly scanned him over. He has a caramel skin complexion, deep brown eyes and smooth waves. He looked like he works out often and his tall frame towered over me.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Jackson." I let go of his hand quickly as Aiyden's grasp tightened around me.

"You too."

"So tell me what you do."

"She owns a law firm agency and is head lawyer there too." Aiyden spoke for me.

"Impressive, I might have to use you one day." I plastered on a fake smile,

"Yep my baby is the best." He kissed my lips lightly.

"Well Aiyden, I have to go but, I see a promising future for Black Media and Hot Vibes Media. Just as long as you keep up your end of the deal." He looked at me and winked. I looked away and into Aiyden's eyes. He leaned into my ear,

"I will deal with you later." He grabbed my arm leading me toward another couple who are interested in doing business with them. It was around three in the morning when we got home. I went into the bathroom taking a shower. When I came out Aiyden was on the bed drinking a cup of brown liquor. I walked over to him take the bottle of his hand. I sat it on the dresser behind me.

"I think you had enough to drink. Let's go to bed." I kissed his lips. He opened up mouth lightly pushing me on my back. I slowly opened my legs wrapping them around his torso. He lifted up running his hand across my face. I kissed his hand as I smiled at him. Then wrapped his hand around my neck. "Aiyden stop."

"You think I'm stupid Robyn? I saw the way you were looking at him."
"Baby I promise, I wasn't."

"Don't think I'm stupid. I saw you with my own eyes."

"I'm sorry it won't happen again. I apologize." He looked in my eyes and released me. I punched him the face. He threw me against the room. He lunged toward me trying to reach me. I grabbed the lamp throwing it over his head. I walked over to my phone trying to grab my phone as he grabbed my leg pulling me down with him. He climbed on top of me then slapped me in the face. I kicked in the groin causing him to shutter in pain. I ran across the hall to one of his empty bedrooms. I locked the door leaning against the door.

"Robyn open the door." I could hear him jerking the door. "Robyn Danielle open the fucking door!" He barked.

"Just stop Aiyden! I'm not going to keep take your shit for long. I'm going to leave your ass."

"Man I swear I will kill you and that mother fucker before you leave me." Eventually the mood calmed down and he stopped banging on the door. "Ro I'm sorry baby please open the door. You know I love you otherwise I wouldn't act like this. I need you." I listened to his lies flow out so effortlessly. It's almost second nature to him. I crawled my head and got in bed. The words that my father once told me replayed in my head "Even at your lowest point you are stronger than you think. Keep your fight and be wise with your decisions."

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